Building BRC Touching the elephant August 30, 2014 By John Curley Here are some quick stories from the week, in hopes of giving you a little sense of what’s ...Read More
Building BRC Just your average Tuesday August 26, 2014 By John Curley One of the things about Burning Man is that one day seems like three; when you think about what happened ...Read More
Tales from the Playa A Magician Explores the Souk August 26, 2014 By Caveat Magister Walking towards the Man in the darkness, Lyn said "Can we veer over in this direction? I want to see ...Read More
Building BRC Three friends, the Temple, and the heart of BRC August 23, 2014 By John Curley Michael Ziff and Craig Mullin have been coming to Burning Man since 1999, which, because it was in the ‘90s, ...Read More
BRC Art The State of the Art August 21, 2014 By Moze For those of you who come to Burning Man to see the ART in store for you, I have traveled ...Read More
BRC Art MOZE’s 2014 ART PICKS and MORE August 19, 2014 By Moze Are you packing and getting ready to make the journey to Burning Man this year, buying fresh playa essentials and ...Read More
Building BRC A little of this, a lot of that, and some more of that other thing August 18, 2014 By John Curley A good part of this morning’s morning meeting was devoted to the imminent arrival of the Bureau of Land Management’s ...Read More
Building BRC Under the Big Top August 7, 2014 By John Curley The big move from Gerlach to the playa has begun. For the first several weeks after work crews arrive in ...Read More
Building BRC Stuck in the Muck August 6, 2014 By John Curley The good news is it’s nice and cool. The bad news is everyone is mostly in hurry-up-and-wait mode. Hurricanes and ...Read More
Digital Rights Policy Reminder: Burning Man and Media July 29, 2014 By Burning Man Project Burning Man has policies in place for shooting photos, video, film, or audio at the event, and on use of ...Read More