two nights of recalling memories lost
two nights of friends hugging each other
toasting the moments of present and past.
Let the fire burn
and the celebration come to an end
let each ember represent people lost but not forgotten
let each flame wake you up inside
as the ashes make you never forget to live.
Photos By: Evrim D. Cakir (AKA Madonna)
Bye Bye Mr Man, Bye Bye

David Best’s Farewell

House of Cards on Fire

About the author: Madonna
Madonna has been an active Burner since 2000 when Edub and Total Mess first dragged her out to the desert. Since then, she's been an intricate part of the BM community.
As a photographer and one of Burning Man's original blog authors she composed stories and captured photographs that helped document the infancy and provide a visual diary of Burning Man in the early days. She created wildly popular photos and essays such as Sunny Dayz and Flambe Lounge that spread like wildfire; igniting the flame within founders, laypersons, and soon-to-be burners alike.
Her photographs have been featured in the New York Times and the Burning Man website. You can check out more of here work at her site and the Building Black Rock City 2003 Blog.