Burningman.com visitors and e-playa users were unable to access our website from approximately 2 am April 23rd through 1 pm on April 25th. The domain was inaccessible due to an unexpected entanglement with our domain registration. Everything is fine now, and even though we really appreciate the offers of help from our community, this was a really unusual situation and there is nothing more that can be done. Any emails sent to a alias at burningman.com most likely bounced back during this time period and will need to be resent. We apologize for any inconvenience. Welcome back and we missed you too! [para_end]
Will Chase is Burning Man's former Minister of Propaganda, working on global communications strategy. He was the editor-in-chief for the Jackrabbit Speaks newsletter and the Burning Man Journal, and content manager for Burning Man’s web properties. He also oversaw the ePlaya BBS and Burning Man’s social media presence. Will first attended Burning Man in 2001. He volunteered as the Operations Manager for the ARTery (Black Rock City’s art HQ) and was on the Burning Man Art Council from 2003-2008. He was Web Team Project Manager and Webmaster from 2004 until he transitioned to the Communications Department in 2009.