Another shameless idea snag from the Burn Clean Project. Want to go biodiesel this year? Get with Kohler Rental:
Don Gray at Kohler Power Supply is your man with the plan. He has boldly and brilliantly gone outside the conventions of generator providers across the country and made generators available for B100 use. In 2006, Kohler provided the generators for the Man, the Greeter’s Sation, and the Staff Commissary, as well as many theme camps such as Entheon Village and Hookah Dome. In 2007, BM has contracted Kohler almost all their generators and will be running B99 in them…yay, yay, yay!!!
Kohler offers 50 kW, 100kW, and 180 kW generators for B100 usage. They also make available the massive 300 kW for use with B10 or less.
Email is the most effective and preferred mode for Kohler inquiries.