Got some word back on how things went with the recycling program at Albertsons in Reno from Nathan Heller, who helped make this whole deal happen.
Some numbers of total volume of recyclables from all stores:
Aluminum and tin — 600 lbs
Plastics — 48 watermelon bins full
Glass — 14 watermelon bins
Cardboard — 35 pallets (much of which was taken from burners as they were shopping to go to BRC)
Bicycles — two dozen, 8 of which were reusable, rest went for parts…
Paper — 4 pallets
Wow–great start! We’ve heard that at least 6 of the 7 stores that participated will be doing the same again next year, which means ya’ll did a great job of keeping the trash out and the recycling well organized–thank you to everyone who participated!
And we’ve also heard that the sourcing of greener materials @ the stores was a success as well, also welcome news.
So, the news keeps dribbling in, and it continues to be good!