I’m riding my bike drunk as a skunk during burning man 2009 somewhere around 7:30 and C streets during the middle of the week not quite part of the problem, but nowhere near a solution to anything…and I think to myself, “god I could use something to eat!”
At that moment an angel stops me on the street. I thought I was hallucinating, but indeed a participant was dressed as an angel and asks me, “would you like something to eat?” OMG! There is an old saying…”the playa provides” and well here was my need met.
I was taken into a tent and this nice girl in her 20s (2nd burn for her it turns out) and her boyfriend (his first burn) hand me a quesadilla hot out of the oven and a shot of tequila. I wanted to adopt all of these angels right about then.
I say to them “this is amazing…you have no idea how great this is for me right now!” And the girl says, “thank you, but this is nothing. When I was here in 2006 and went by center camp one day there was this ice cream social going on, and I thought it was a mirage, but no it was real. I had a cup of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream right here in the middle of black rock city. That act of kindness inspired me to do this quesadilla/tequila stand with my boyfriend this year.”
At that point I was stunned at the complete circle of life. I said, “you’re welcome. I’m the guy that did the ice cream social in 2006 during my first burn. We gave away 12k scoops and obviously your scoop was the most important to me now. It’s nice to see you again.”
Peace, Love and Ice Cream,
Ranger Frisco