Man, I LOVE this place. Things are in FULL SWING out in Black Rock City. Hope you’re here, safe and happy.
Black Rock City has filled out nicely and the streets are alive with promenading citizens and there is just SO much to do. Everyone is having their various parties and socials, fashion shows, meet ups, performances, so many events you can never make them all. The place is one big pie and there are an infinite number of pieces. Don’t worry about getting yours, there is more than you could ever handle.
Tutu Tuesday became Tophat Tuesday and we’ve been visiting and socializing and gifting ever since. My favorite sticker of the week so far is “It was on Fire when I got Here”. We’ve already had rain, a double rainbow and traffic all the way from Empire. We saw the City grow and the sound camps are up, pumping out their ever present soundtrack of ambient insanity.
Some rumors I’ve heard include that next year’s THEME is going to be either “Life on Mars” or the “Baby Monkey in Underpants”. Out at 2:15 where the four story tall traffic cone is near DISORIENT they were giving balloon rides to people who weigh under 150lbs, but some girl was up there and one of the tethers broke so they had a little difficulty getting her down. I hope we don’t see a bunch of ravers flying away Saturday night after the burn, up, up and away. Be careful out there. We’ve got some dangerous ART this year. If you’re at the Mansonia Institute of Urban Studies in Center Camp this year stop by and see Dodger’s Pyrograph.
Our Camp is so cool that they are bringing children here on field trips to see how to properly recycle your trash on the playa. We are seeing a lot of NEWBIES on the playa this year, but they’re self regulating and I was told someone was eavesdropping on two guys who were talking about leaving no trace and picking up MOOP if you see it. Awesome.
Out beyond Megatropolis is a tent with some organically grown free range hippies living in it. We think they’re going to be fed to Frogbat Friday night during that burn. Also, Math Camp, a safe place for mathematics on the playa, is located at 3.14 and Detroit, go to 3:00 and turn towards 4 to find it. And Cubatron aka the Diamond in the Sky is located in the 9 o’clock plaza. Way out in Deep Playa is the Black Rock Bijou Theater. Be sure to check it out. The building is beautiful and they’re showing movies at night. We made our way to the Dust City Diner a few nights ago and they’re supposed to be there tonight with coffee and grilled cheese served with style.
Someone in camps said we maintain order to avoid catastrophe. We truly are practicing survival in style.
We’ve been going around the playa checking out the ART, checking in at the ARTery and meeting tons of folks. There is a simple piece called the Human Sundial and we decided that humans shouldn’t know what time it is at night, only during the day when the sundials work. Also there are phone booths out near the Temple. For some of you, those are the things we used to use before cell phones.
And we also thought about Burning Man lasting for another 90 years. Things like Hover Art cars, people dressing like us, all retro… what’s the next EL wire? Some kind of amorphous bio-entity? Register your virtual camp, Second Life style then plug in your replicator so it’ll be there waiting for you. I can’t imagine what Burning Man would be like in 10 years, let alone 90 years. Although it might be easier to get here from the SF Bay area if the Desert Badlands are on the other side of the Caldecott tunnel.
Today supposedly they took a Satellite photo of the playa at 11:41. People were organized all over the place for it looking to the skies. There was some whooping. There was some meditating. Then the DPW parade passed and all manner of ART cars including the Yacht are streaming by now. I really hope you’re here.
Those skies have cleared and we’re having a blast.
Enthralling post from Moze! Mahalo and Chickenskin. I’m up on the Olympic Peninsula but many of those I care about are there and so is my custom van. Art On all you beautiful seekers and peekers.
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