Kate Raudenbush
2010 and 2012 Civic Arts Artist
2008-2012 Black Rock City Honoraria Artist
If you’re in New York this month, don’t miss the chance to see Kate Raudenbush’s solo gallery show, which includes a debut of new work!
Kate Raudenbush is a sculptor and photographer based in New York, and the recipient of several Black Rock Arts Foundation Civic Arts and Black Rock City art grants. The power of her work lies in its ability to raise awareness of important ethical concerns without compromising beauty and aesthetics.
Kate’s sculptures and installations are embodied reflections on many essential themes and issues, ranging from societal values and power dynamics to ecological concerns. Her aesthetic choices are informed by a multitude of cultural influences, myths, and symbols. Through their intricate, geometric, and dream-like qualities, they instill a sense of awe and wonder in viewers, who are invited to meditate on the nature of transformation and evolution of consciousness.
Kate’s sculptures and installations include the following:
- Future’s Past: 2012 – 2014 Civic Arts Project, San Francisco, California
- Duel Nature: 2010 Civic Arts Project, Reno, Nevada, and Black Rock City project 2006
- Star Seed: Black Rock City project 2012
- Braindrop: Black Rock City project 2009
- Altered State: Black Rock City project 2008
Kate’s SeeMe Gallery Solo Show, “Reflections,” opens on Wednesday, March 4th, which also happens to be during the Armory Arts Week. She will be exhibiting new work, as well as a restoration of Stadium of the Self, originally a sculpture at Black Rock City in 2005.

Reception – Mar. 4, 2015
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
See | Exhibition Space
26-19 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, Queens
New York, NY 11101
SeeMe is a design community that is “bringing creativity back to the real world through prints, experiences, and conversation.” Members can share and discover images through SeeMe’s online platform and iPhone app.
You can follow Kate on SeeME here, or learn more about her work at: