Gallery for the Future Exhibit
If you like “day-in-the-life” videos, you’re in for a treat. The Global Lives Project is having its first exhibit (with new footage) in Palo Alto. Highlighting the lives of 20 people from 17 countries around the world, the exhibit features 24-hour long “day-in-the-life” videos.
The Global Lives Project, in its infancy, was funded by the Global Art Grants program in 2007. At that time, Global Lives was a small collective of ambitious, visionary filmmakers and activists. Now a nonprofit organization, Global Lives is comprised of hundreds of volunteers (filmmakers, photographers, engineers, programmers, scholars, etc.). Their growth and commitment to their vision is truly inspiring!
When: May 5, 2014 – September 1, 2015
Where: Window Gallery Open 24/7
Institute for the Future (IFTF) Gallery for the Future
201 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Visit the project’s website to learn more about this exhibit.
School Exhibits
As stated on their website, the Global Lives Project “explore[s] the diversity of human experience through the medium of video, and encourage[s] discussion, reflection, and inquiry about the wide variety of cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions on this planet.” They have been extremely active in promoting cross-cultural understanding in schools, and recently wrapped up their fifth school exhibit this year at Horace Mann School in New York. The exhibit encouraged students to practice “global empathy,” an act of identifying with people from other cultures and countries.

Other exhibits took place at Envision Academy in Oakland, CA, Gateway Middle School and Creative Arts Elementary School in San Francisco, CA, Palo Alto High School, and San Francisco State University.
Visit the project’s blog to learn more about the school exhibits.
Global Lives is staying busy spreading their global empathy education program! If you are a teacher or school administrator interested in bringing Global Lives to your school, please contact, and check out their website, for more information about the Global Lives Project.