The Ten Principles All the World’s a Stage – and Burners are hecklers July 14, 2012 By Caveat Magister What do Burning Man and Stand-up Comedy have in common? Hecklers. Hecklers in the default world share certain values with ...Read More
Serious Stuff What do you do at Burning Man, anyway? June 27, 2012 By Caveat Magister The most common question I get from people who are never going to go to Burning Man is “So … ...Read More
Tales from the Playa It’s okay to be miserable at Burning Man June 15, 2012 By Caveat Magister Caveat Magister pays a visit to Black Rock City's Bureau of Needless Bureaucracy. ...Read More
Serious Stuff Burning Man Is Not a “Music Festival,” or Even a “Festival” May 31, 2012 By Caveat Magister It’s amazing what people don’t know about Burning Man. Exhibit A: this past weekend I was visiting some friends of ...Read More
Serious Stuff Burning Man inspires creativity because it gets past “art” May 17, 2012 By Caveat Magister I heard this story from a woman I met over the weekend, who lives in Hollywood. One of the many ...Read More
BRC News Thanks for everything, AG! May 8, 2012 By Caveat Magister The other week Burning Man’s San Francisco office held a goodbye party for Andie Grace – Action Girl! – who ...Read More
Survive and Thrive The kids (at Burning Man) are all right April 24, 2012 By Caveat Magister It’s strangely easy to be judgmental about the way other people raise their kids. The idea that a young person ...Read More
Serious Stuff You can’t Burn on Facebook April 11, 2012 By Caveat Magister If you get enough burners together in a room, they will probably (A) throw a party that involves at least ...Read More
Serious Stuff, The Ten Principles Who the hell are “Burners,” anyway? April 5, 2012 By Caveat Magister To “Burn” is to become an agent of open possibility, creating a liminal space where something amazing can happen and ...Read More
Serious Stuff Does wearing a utilikilt and fuzzy boots make you more “authentic?” January 26, 2012 By Caveat Magister [This post is part of the 10 Principles blog series, an ongoing exploration of the history, philosophy and dynamics of Burning ...Read More