Burning Man Journal Authors

A powerful conjurer of black girl magic (70% Jedi, 30% Sith), Yodassa Williams is a Jamaican American queer writer, entrepreneur and award-winning performing storyteller. She is currently writing a memoir of the emotionally transformational adventures of five consecutive Burning Man expeditions and working with the Burning Man Organization to increase inclusivity. Yodassa is an alumna of the VONA/Voices Travel Writing program and the Fortify Writer’s Retreat. She has a storytelling podcast, "The Black Girl Magic Files", and teaches storytelling craft to young women through the nonprofit Girl’s Inc.

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Zac has been managing teams in Black Rock City since 2010. He spent three years as a part of Burning Man’s Communications team developing the organization’s voice as a nonprofit and driving strategy behind key communications initiatives. He studied Environmental Science and spent a decade producing events and festivals focused on arts, community development, sustainability, and food. As Operations Manager for Fly Ranch, Zac oversees communications, community engagement, affiliations and site operations for the project.

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