This is the plugin that makes it possible to use images in the media gallery within your blog posts by using a WordPress shortcode. It was implemented by Resource Space, the vendor responsible for the
Here are some example shortcodes for using the legacy gallery URL:
- [bmimgs width=250]][/bmimgs]
- [bmimgs width=250 url=”″[/bmimgs]
Or you can use the ResourceSpace ID directly:
- [bmimgs ref=’22689’][/bmimgs]
Options descriptions:
- ref=[int]
- watermark=[string] Default is none, can also be “both”, “footer” or “extended”
- height=[int] Default 0 (ignored), the maximum height in pixels
- width=[int] Default 0 (ignored), the minimum width
- upscale=[string] Default false, if true, then the image will be allowed to resize larger than the original
- cropx=[int]
- cropy=[int]
- cropw=[int]
- croph=[int] If all four crop options do not equal zero, crop is performed sized to w,h starting at x,y (after resize if applicable)
- align=[string] left|right|center
- caption=[string] true|false
- link=[string] true|false|full (default false). If “true”, generates a link to the media gallery, if “full”, generates a link to the full-size image
Example use of the old-style gallery URL:
[bmimgs caption=’Really Pretty Sky’][/bmimgs]
Example use of the Resource Space ID:
[bmimgs caption=’Really Pretty Sky’ ref=’38546’][/bmimgs]