Vanilla Ice, that’s who! And he’s here to tell you the news about ICE, ICE, baby!
OK, I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.
And this is only tangentially green. More ice=less rotting food=less waste. Maybe it’s more silver. Anyway, you need to know, so here tis: more ice, in more places, better hours!
‘dat’s right: this year ice will be sold at the 3 and 9’oclock plazas, as well as center camp. Hours from 9-6, and they need volunteers! So sign up already. I mean, it’s cold, there’s ice, the people in charge are the twin towers of royalty, the Ice Queen, and the Make Out Queen. Two queens enter, only ice survives!
Here’s all the deets, and a link:
ARCTICA (ICE VENDING)Does the idea of working in and around freezing ice trucks in 110-degree heat appeal to your inner penguin? If so, then we need you more than ever this year! Arctica is expanding its ice empire to include its original home at center camp and ice caps at both the 3 o’clock (Ice Cubed) and 9 o’clock (Ice-9.) You’ll be at home volunteering with Arctica and the ice caps – where nearly 400 people come together to build and run the chillest spots on the Black Rock Desert.
We’re looking for Cube Masters to work three-hour shifts at: 9am, 12noon and 3pm throughout the entire event and all of the three locations. You’ll keep the life force flowing to hot and dusty Black Rock citizens while helping a range of local Gerlach-area charities and community groups at the same time! If interested, indicate Ice Sales (Arctica) in the volunteer questionnaire, or contact our ice-volunteers(at)burningman(dot)com.
Because of our increased size this year we need help in construction more than ever! If you are interested in helping to build the three coolest places in the desert, please contact DPW Volunteers and express an interest in Arctica construction.
forget about ice
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