The ARTumnal Gathering
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Bently Reserve
400 Sansome St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
The [BRAF] invites you to the grandest annual celebration of our community’s vital spirit and extraordinary artists.
Once again, we gather in the majestic Bently Reserve to revel in support of BRAF’s mission to inspire art, community and civic participation worldwide.
Enter into an enchanted world of abundant art, captivating entertainment, and tempting libations. Participate in interactive art experiences created by community visionaries. Be the art!
Join us for our pre-event dinner for delightful fare, cocktails and auction.
Last year’s event sold out. Don’t miss out this year!
Ticket Information
Artumnal Celebration
$35 Online presale
9:00 pm – Late
Includes an evening of featured and roaming performances, DJs, dancing, raffle, photography sale and surprises.
$35 presale online, $45 at the door.
Includes an individual seat for a sumptuous dinner, auction, performances, absinthe tasting, wine, dessert, presentations from BRAF artists and entry to the Artumnal Celebration.
Includes a reserved table for eight for the Feast of Imagination.
More photos from the ARTumnal 2008
The ARTumnal Gathering has SOLD OUT! There will not be any tickets at the door!
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I am starting to post photos of the ARTumnal Gathering here:
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Since this years man is about frission,can we assume that next year will center around frusion??????
Fat Dog
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