Sunday feels like any other day out here. The work doesn’t stop, the meetings don’t get cancelled, and no one’s dressed up in their Sunday finest. At least not at the 7 am meeting.
The number of DPWers in attendance seemed to have dwindled, though. It might have been due to the game of full-contact duck duck goose the night before, but there’s no way of knowing for sure.
Things were blazing after breakfast. Over in Center Camp, they had already finished putting in the 20-foot king posts and the 12-foot outer posts, and they had moved on to the rigging. That’s 12 king posts and 48 posts in the outer ring all set and secure.
It’s not glamorous work. It’s tedious and hot. But when you’re enjoying the shade and the camaraderie and the community of the Center Cafe during the event, you can think back to the second week of August when a lot of the heavy lifting was done.
There are 12 people on the Center Camp crew, which is called Oculus now. They used to be called the Aftermath crew, but that was back when Heavy Equipment did the Cafe build. They’d run the heavy machinery all day, and in their spare time construct the big tent that serves as the central meeting place at Burning Man. Three years ago, the members of Aftermath who had moved on to other tasks decided they wanted their name back, so they took it. That left the Cafe crew nameless, and they decided upon Oculus. If you stand in the center of the Cafe structure and look up, you’ll see a beautiful opening to the sky above, framed by support wires. That’s where the name comes from, and it fits perfectly.
The whole crew was slaving away yesterday, Jamie and Austin and running the scissor lifts, Goat and Peaches and Tennessee and Bible Thumper and all the others pulling the cables, tightening the bolts and stringing the barrel wrap that the shade panels will hang on.
The rigging seems to be going up faster than it ever has, which is amazing, given the heat. But the wind has calmed, and that should make hanging the shade a lot easier. The crew seems to get better at the tasks every year, which is a common theme around here.

well done!
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damn fine shooting, mr. curley. can’t wait to be out in that dusty dust myself. SOON!!!
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thank you, dudes & dudettes for building our wonderful city………..
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This fills my heart with joy. I love seeing what happens before I get out there!!! Thank you for building it all up.
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Great pics!
Might you keep them coming? Watching the progress would be awesome!!!
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Making my day! Oculus rocks! And yes, they just keep getting better and better at this!
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Can’t wait to hit the Playa and do my part! You folks are awesome out there!
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Awww, Mr. Curley, your words and images keep me coming back each day, and get me all nostalgic for the place I call home. And then, as if that isn’t enough, you treat me with a photo of that handsomest of devils! A million thanks for all you do. I’ll join you soon . . .
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Nice work, wish I could be setting up with you guys. The new born is taking all my playa time away from me this and last year. Thanks for the updates, it is the cheese and crack that keep me together this time of year when I’m not on the playay
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Let’s get some art in there now! See you in a week!
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Woohoo!!!! Occulus Rocks and it warms my sparkly lil’ heart to see the beautiful cafe get its legs! And faster and faster each time! Looking so forward to seeing you all and getting her perty!! Cafe Crew Rocks!!!!!! Thanks for all your hard work. Peaches… don’t forget about tutu Tuesday! Marcia, we miss you!!!!
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John Curley’s one of the few people I know who can make a length of rigging cable look like a work of art.
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Awesome work guys! And John too, more please!
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thanks so much for the very kind words!
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Thanks for all of the time and work that you guy and gals put into this event. It will be my first time out there, but I know it will be awesome. once again thanks for all that you are doing. See you on the playa.
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OUTSTANDING job!! It will be nice to be home again!
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DPW is AWESOME! Thanks DPW for “all” your hard work with BRC. We very much appreciate all you do. Burning Man ROCKS! )'(
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