Happy 4th of July from Bliss Dance

Happy 4th of July

Bliss danced with her friends, and photographer Sidney Erthal on the 4th of July and we hope your holiday was just as beautiful. Sidney Erthal’s 2010 Burning Man photos.

A treat showed up in our email box last week from Roy Two Thousand, who I met at the Bliss Dance Opening Ceremony on Treasure Island. He sent a time lapse video of the opening, with his original music.

And as a special treat, Roy Two Thousand also sent along a time lapse of [BM] 2010, just as we are gearing up to head to the Playa next month. Enjoy!

To read more about the Black Rock Arts Foundation bringing Bliss Dance to Treasure Island – Click Here

About the author: Affinity


Affinity, a Burner since 2000, was legally married on the Playa in 2001, was wedding coordinator and then training coordinator at Burning Man, before becoming the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) Social Media Coordinator and an Advisory Board Member. An attorney, she served on the Board of Directors of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference. She interned with the Human Awareness Institute for 10 years. She writes about how art is envisioned, produced, created, installed and its afterlife.