Makeout Queen was the mistress of ceremonies at Thunderdome.
Tuesday night was a tale of two nights: A lovely gathering in our home on the playa — Media Mecca — and then a journey into darkness on the other side — Thunderdome.
The first event was a birthday party for Andi Grace, aka Action Girl, who had a birthday that ended in a zero. We won’t be more specific than that about which birthday it was. There was an amazing turnout from various factions, with people from from Cobra Commander of the DPW to Larry his own self. There were TWO cakes, and Flash was behind the bar. It was good times.
Then it was off to “Friends and Family” night at the Death Guild’s Thunderdome, where the DPW and the Gate crews squared off against each other. Do you know the Thunderdome? Like so much here, it’s very “Mad Max.” Two men (or women) enter, one man (or woman) leaves. The action was fierce. Really fierce. Much fiercer than you’re likely to see the rest of the week.
We couldn’t imagine two experiences so wildly divergent in a single night. But out here, that’s not really out of the ordinary.
Flash, Action Girl and Chicken John
More from the nice party in a moment, but let’s go back to the Dome first:
Matt is the leader of the Death Guild
10-9 was all business during her match.
Alexi was no slouch, either.
And now back to the party:
Jes Hobbs, who built the Temple last year, dropped by to say hello
Ra$pa might have fit in at Thunderdome, come to think of it.
Lots of Burners wear hats on the playa.
Thumper threw a nice bash.
If you have to have a boss, you'd be lucky to have one as good as Action Girl.
John Curley (that's me) has been Burning since the relatively late date of 2004, and in 2008 I spent the better part of a month on the playa, documenting the building and burning of Black Rock City in words and pictures. I loved it, and I've been doing it ever since.
I was a newspaper person in a previous life, and I spent many years at the San Francisco Chronicle. At the time I left, in 2007, I was the deputy managing editor in charge of Page One and the news sections of the paper. Since then, I've turned a passion for photography into a second career. I shoot for editorial, commercial and private clients. I've also taught a little bit, including two years at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism and a year at San Francisco State University.
I live on the San Mateo coast, just south of San Francisco in California.
7 Comments on “A little of this and a lot of that”
40!! I’m 40 now! Loudly and proudly! ….though I do appreciate your gentlemanly gesture. :) Thanks for photographing & I’m flattered you covered the celebration. Next year I should just have the party at Thunderdome.
who is that gurl in the pic w matt of death guilde? her ass hyponotized me all night!! she keep jiggling it! i didnt watch a single fight …her ass was too beautiful !!! )'(
40!! I’m 40 now! Loudly and proudly! ….though I do appreciate your gentlemanly gesture. :) Thanks for photographing & I’m flattered you covered the celebration. Next year I should just have the party at Thunderdome.
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happy bday Action Girl! :)
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Happy 40 Andie! Wish I could have been there. Curly, as always, awesome photos and stories. Thanks, dimitre
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Happy 40 to action Girl ! Superb photos of you reflecting the warmth of the party and the heartfelt look of the photograper ! Bravo !
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Thunderdome was mesmerizingly exciting to say the least, and one of my favorite places to visit at least twice this time around @ the burn’-)
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where can I get the music of tunderdome I very excited and happy that I had the chace to be there !!!
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who is that gurl in the pic w matt of death guilde? her ass hyponotized me all night!! she keep jiggling it! i didnt watch a single fight …her ass was too beautiful !!! )'(
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