Free Workshop: Fundraising for Artists
Tuesday, December 13th at 6 pm Pacific Standard Time
Burning Man Headquarters, 995 Market St. at 6th St. SF, 8th Floor Conference Room
Please RSVP to if you wish to attend.
Attendance is limited to 55 people in person, with an online option (see last paragraph)

The Burning Man Special Events Team is supporting a number of free workshops — led by Burners for Burners — designed to share the skills and expertise of our community in a peer to peer manner. These workshops are intended to further the principles of gifting and radical self-reliance using tools that are readily available. This next workshop in our series is being led by Will Chase, who has extensive experience in social media and fundraising for art projects.
Workshop Description:
Want to create something awe inspiring — on playa or off — and wondering how to cover the costs? If so, this workshop on fundraising might be just for you! If you want to create a medium- or large-scale art project, you’re likely going to need money to realize your vision … and unless you’re independently wealthy, this will require fundraising of some kind. This workshop will cover fundraising strategies, tips and techniques to help maximize your effort whether you’re looking for help from your immediate community or a broader audience of donors. (Note: this workshop will NOT cover grants or grantwriting. It will instead focus more on on-line crowd-sourcing options and similar direct fundraising efforts.)
Join us to participate. Not local? No worries! This workshop will be accessible online – please indicate this when you RSVP so we can email you the invitation to the online meeting. Have a question you want to share? Feel free to email it to before the 13th so we can include it.
The post a comment form is already filled out for me. Hello. Good fundraising, make great things. Good bye.
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I’ll be participating online – this is awesome!
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Hello! I emailed about attending online workshop. Haven’t heard back yet! When will you be emailing the invitation? Thanks!
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HELP!!! can’t find out how to access tonight’s webinar…
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Didn’t get the email link for attending out of state. : (
Will you re-up this opportunity???
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am your cam web site al perooo es is it lunatic requierm is DR. plaia Says comennto your coumplit ………. 17-12-2011
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