Update: Leo Villareal Lighting Up the Bay Bridge

A ways back, we let you know about an exciting project by artist Leo Villareal called “The Bay Lights” — a monumental light art sculpture proposed for the San Francisco Bay Bridge celebrating its 75th Diamond Anniversary.

The plan is for Leo and his team to secure arrays of 25,000 energy-efficient white LED lights to the vertical cables of the west span of the bridge, and create elaborate computer-controlled light animations to delight visitors and locals alike for two years. It’s going to be pretty amazing.

Well, here we are with a progress update. Permits are at-the-ready, there’s deep cultural and community support swirling, and more than $5.2m in private funds have been committed so far. $1.8m more is needed by July 1st to make the project happen. There’s also a major matching grant in place, so every donated dollar equals two.

If you’re so inclined, join the community of folks supporting The Bay Lights, as we’d all love to see this epic undertaking of artist, maker and Burner happen.

Here’s a video of the artist’s rendering of the project:


About the author: Will Chase

Will Chase

Will Chase is Burning Man's former Minister of Propaganda, working on global communications strategy. He was the editor-in-chief for the Jackrabbit Speaks newsletter and the Burning Man Journal, and content manager for Burning Man’s web properties. He also oversaw the ePlaya BBS and Burning Man’s social media presence. Will first attended Burning Man in 2001. He volunteered as the Operations Manager for the ARTery (Black Rock City’s art HQ) and was on the Burning Man Art Council from 2003-2008. He was Web Team Project Manager and Webmaster from 2004 until he transitioned to the Communications Department in 2009.

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