[Judes has been a Burner since 1999 and an advocate for playa families. She first brought her son Dexter to BRC when he was 16-months-old, who has 8 Burns under his belt. For 4 years, Judes hosted Hot Monkey Sox, a popular sock monkey workshop camp in Kidsville. In 2010, she founded the Black Rock Scouts program so kids could attend playa-cational events, volunteer with BRC Departments and learn to give back to the BRC community.]
Bringing your kids along to this year’s Burn? There are some great resources and programs for Burner Families that we want you to know about. Kidsville, Black Rock Scouts and the new FUN Child ID Program run by Black Rock Rangers are here to support every burning family, including yours!
Kidsville is a cooperative village for Burners with kids, which has grown to more than 150 families in recent years. Kidsvillians believe that Burning Man is a unique experience to share as a family.

Kidsville is safe, quiet, centrally located and close to Potties, Center Camp, Medical and the 6:00 Rangers Station. The Village takes up the blocks between 5:00 and 5:30, Dandelion and Foxglove. The entire village is enclosed with playa fencing and flagpoles, to identify boundaries for kids. Vehicles are not allowed within the borders so it’s a safe place for kids to ride bikes, run and play. For added safety, all kids are tagged with K’ville wristbands to make them easily identifiable.
A tight-knit community develops overnight; children have plenty of friends to play with and parents bond and share with neighbors. In the K’ville Center Camp is the Mayor’s camp, a fire pit, an Information Kiosk with an event schedule, the Black Rock Scouts HQ, resident Ranger Mickey’s Camp and play equipment like trampolines. During the week, families host dozens of events like Mini Burning Man. We love it when art cars visit and take little peeps and their families for a spin! To schedule a visit, contact Kidsville Mayor Dawn Lapierre, a.k.a. Queen of F’ing Everything via her Facebook page.
While K’ville welcomes all Playa-families to visit, it is NOT A BABYSITTING SERVICE. Children may NOT be dropped off in Kidsville without a parent. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s safety and behavior at all times, inside and outside of Kidsville.
To camp in Kidsville, each camp must have at least one child under the age 18. All camps must work at least one Kidsville Greeter shift. There are still a few spaces left in Kidsville, but you must pre-register and choose a campsite. Once spaces become full, there is a waiting list. NOTE: If you are NOT pre-registered with a camp location, don’t expect to arrive at Kidsville and find a space.
NOTE: If you are NOT pre-registered with a camp location, don’t expect to arrive at Kidsville and find a space.
To learn more about Kidsville, ask questions or follow discussions, join the Yahoo Group.
For tips on bringing kids to the playa, read Kidsville Survival Guide.
Black Rock Scouts:
In 2010 I founded Black Rock Scouts with the goal of inspiring kids to volunteer as they grow up, to take ownership of their community and to become model Burners.

The program is for Burner kids, based on the Ten Principles of Burning Man. The objective is to teach kids what it takes to sustain life at Burning Man, how to embrace their creativity, teach playa survival skills and how to get involved in their BRC community… not just skip through it.
Camps, services and the Black Rock community host playa-cational events, field trips and offer volunteer opportunities for kids. Scouts earn patches, tokens or pins for things learned, survival skills achieved, volunteering, good deeds and connections made. After all, kids are the future of Burning Man.
This year, our new BRS Leader Jay Marlette has scheduled 15 events for kids of all ages. Scouts should visit the BRS Headquarters in Kidsville to see the Schedule of Events and pre-register. Each scout will earn one BRS Patch, Bandanna and Sash while supplies last. Most events are hosted or at least meet at the BRS headquarters.
BRS Policies: BRS is not a baby-sitting service. All kids must be a accompanied by an parent or playa-guardian, unless otherwise arranged with the Scout leader of that event. Although transportation is provided for some field trips, parents are responsible for getting themselves and their kids to the events. Parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children at all times.
FUN Child Identification:
The Family Unification Network (FUN) is a new program this year. Here’s how it works: families register themselves and their children at the Black Rock Ranger HQ in Center Camp (daily from 9am-noon or anytime after 2pm). This is also a great way for children to become familiar with Rangers and the Ranger Station.

The registered child will receive a wristband with a serial number that is unique to them, which will identify the child, parents and camp location. That’s all you have to do! Should your child become separated from you, all he or she has to do is find a Ranger. The wristband serial number will facilitate a speedy reunion.
*** Staff and Volunteers with families are strongly encouraged to register their children in support of this program. ***
The Black Rock Scouts is a GREAT idea. I’m seriously considering bringing my kids next year because of it.
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JV, there is still time to bring your little prodigy, remember Kids 12 and under does not need a ticket. And there is still a few spots left in Kidsville.
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I work a lot of music festivals, and I really like the FUN program with it’s wristbands….. no personally identifying information that anyone could use for ill, but exactly what would be needed to bring a child back to his or her home camp. Great job Black Rock Rangers!
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Is scheduling a visit the only way to check out Kidsville? Dawn Lapierre’s link seems to be a dud. My hubby and I are 10 year vets and 5mo pregnant and would love to see the neighborhood we’ve always known about, but never had a reason to explore…maybe next year?
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There is no need to schedule an visit… pre-arrangmentes are only for art cars that want to drive into Kidsville. All BRC residents are welcome at Kidsville. Please come check it out!
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Where do i preregister for Kidsville?
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Hi…Just signed up to join the yahoo forum with a question, but short on time… Any spots available for a family of 3? Single Mom with 2 boys (10, 17). Live in LA. We all know playa dust is magic…hoping to share the magic this year in Kidville!
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Do you have any kidsville grandparents?
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