Our friends over at iBurn have released their Version 5.0.1 of iBurn for your enjoyment. Each year they gift this app to the community and it can come in handy when you’re out on the playa looking for art or trying to hook up with friend or try to beat “playa time” and actually make it to an event “on time”. It is self contained and doesn’t require 4G or internet to work.
iBurn has a map of Black Rock City featuring listed Art projects, Themecamps and Events with a filter ability to sort on types of events. It also has a favorites functionality where you can add your friends or favorite camps and Art. Full descriptions with other data like emails. locations, Home towns, etc are also available.
The folks over there are not affiliated with Burning Man and they gift this useful piece of technology for you. If you’re up for it, go check them out on the web at http://www.iburnapp.com/
The information in iBurn is locked until you reach Black Rock City.
There is also another app Burners gift for Burners to the community each year, Time to Burn https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/time-to-burn available for free download for both Apple and Android.
Thank you! Now I can plan my hour-to-hour Burn here in the default world–and then promptly forget all my plans once I hit the playa! :)
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>or try to beat “playa time” and actually make it to an event
When everyone else is on playa time, you’ll be on-time to pretty much nothing.
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