The Empire of Dirt — the artists of beloved mutant vehicles The Golden Mean (The Snail Art Car) and the Serpent Twins, and recipients Black Rock City Honoraria grants in 2011, 2012 and 2013 — share with us a few intriguing clues about their next project destined for Black Rock City.
This just in from the Empire of Dirt Headquarters:
Six months ago, we intercepted an odd radio signal that seemed to emanate from deep space. The signal was garbled, but after much audio enhancement we could discern the phrase “This is Empire. We’re coming home.” Could this be the rumored secret lost space mission from the 1960′s; code name EMPIRE? If so, and they are coming back to earth 50 years later, what will they be arriving in? Their Saturn V powered rocket ship… or some alien vehicle they have managed to drag out of the stars?
![Empire of Dirt Headquarters](
The crew is now assembling to undertake the extraordinary task of bringing this mysterious spaceship and its crew back to Earth.
What could it be? Stay tuned! For more information about their project, and to learn how to support the project, visit their website.
That sounds really nice. But I’m still waiting for someone to find a way to bring a 747 out to the playa. Frankly, I’m sick of articulated muni buses with the tops chopped off and a bit of fur. I want to see a full sized 747 crash through center camp and deliver fresh caviar to waiting passengers. I want to see sex and drugs and people ducted taped into the overhead compartments; flight attendants giving head to poodles in travel bags. That kind of stuff, please. God Bless.
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