Burners Without Borders to Become Program of Burning Man Project

Burners Without BordersSan Francisco, Calif., April 13, 2015 — Burning Man announced today that Burners Without Borders — a grassroots group that supports community organizing and disaster relief worldwide — will transition June 1 to become the cornerstone of Burning Man’s Civic Engagement initiatives.

“We’re very excited to bring Burners Without Borders into the Burning Man fold,” said Burning Man co-founder Harley Dubois. “This incredible group has an outstanding track record of facilitating grassroots volunteerism that truly represents what Burning Man is all about. This functional reorganization allows Burning Man culture to flourish through the civic efforts of Burners everywhere, in their local communities.”

BWB came into being after Hurricane Katrina when Burning Man participants left the event to help with the disaster cleanup effort. The organization has a 10-year history of supporting disaster relief and local grassroots volunteer initiatives around the world through its annual grants program and direct on-the-ground assistance. It’s expected this transition will have no major immediate effect on existing projects, grants or grant applications. “We want to thank the community for its unwavering support of BWB over the past decade — we are continually inspired by the impact this community makes every day,” said Carmen Mauk, Burners Without Borders’ Executive Director. “I am looking forward to the future where we can continue to grow and thrive.”

BWB’s international projects include relief efforts in Pisco, Peru after that city was hit by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in 2007, relief efforts in the remote Tohoku Prefecture of Japan following the Fukushima disaster, delivering relief supplies to Haiti, supporting communities in the Philippines after Typhoon Yolanda, and providing relief to New Jersey communities not receiving adequate assistance following Hurricane Sandy.

About Burning Man
Burning Man Project is a 501(c)3 public benefit corporation whose mission is to facilitate and extend the culture that has issued from the Burning Man event into the larger world. Black Rock City is the seminal manifestation of the 10 Principles-based culture known as Burning Man. The gathering, which last year included participants from all 50 states and 40 countries around the world, happens the last week of August in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. For more information, visit www.burningman.org.

About Burners Without Borders
Burners Without Borders (BWB) was born in Biloxi, Mississippi during the 2005 Hurricane Katrina disaster relief effort where Burning Man participants had instinctively gathered to fill in where government relief efforts were falling short. Since then, BWB has emerged as a grassroots, volunteer-driven, community leadership organization whose goal is to unlock the creativity of local communities to solve problems that bring about meaningful change. Supporting volunteers from around the world in innovative disaster relief solutions and community resiliency projects, BWB is known for the unbridled creativity they bring to every civic project they do. To get involved, visit the Burners Without Borders website.


About the author: Burning Man Project

Burning Man Project

The official voice of the Burning Man organization, managed by Burning Man Project's Communications Team.

3 Comments on “Burners Without Borders to Become Program of Burning Man Project

  • Pele says:

    bonjour , je m appelle Christophe je suis français , on est 4 vieux copains à ne pas avoir trouvé les billets de votre superbe festival et nous en rêvons depuis quelques années .. Nous construisions des buggy tout bizarre a l époque et somme bien dans l air du temps ..
    En espérant vous lire et vous voir cet été .


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  • Timmo says:

    Do the recipients of aid from BWB need to first sit through a lecture on the 10 Principles? Do they get some kind of education about the Burning Man culture?

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  • Neill M. says:

    Dear Burning Man,
    Eight years ago I had the great pleasure to witness the hard work of the Burners without borders after Hurricane Katrina. Their work in the Gulf Coast made a significant impact of the communities they served. I was able to witness this impact in Pearlington, Mississippi where to first Burners served. Today there is a new need for support many miles away in the South Pacific.

    I write to you today to request support for a small island nation in the South Pacific. Many Americans were unfamiliar with the Repulic of Vanuatu until a catorgory 5 hurricane struck the archipelago last month. Today, Vanuatu is in great need of help.

    A few years ago I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the on the island of Malekula. There I live in a local village and witness first hand the strength and resilence of the Ni-Vanuatu spirit. Vanuatu will come back from this natural but they need our help.

    Since Vanuatu was hit by Cyclone Pam (hurricane) the country has experienced substantial damage, food shortages and numerous logistical nightmares. Fortunately some foreign has begun to support the most critical needs but recovery is still a long way off. Recently, a friend former Peace Corps volunteer contacted me about supporting a local music festival. The Fest Napuan annual music and arts festival is Vanuatu’s largest public event and should celebrate it’s 20th anniversary this October.(http://www.festnapuan.org/) This year, due to the damage of the cyclone and its’ affect on local businesses, Fest Napuan won’t have the financial backing it needs and many local artist are worried that they/vendors will lose this source of income. Additionally, much of the sound equipment and infrastructure has been damaged and will need to be repaired or replaced.

    This could be an incredible event to celebrate the strength, resilience, and unity of the Ni-Vanuatu people in their ability to recovery from this natural disaster. Now, support is needed to raise funds for this event. Would Burners Without Borders be able to provide any financial assistance to Fest’Napuan? Would the Black Rock City LLC be able to partner in any way with the Fest Napuan organizers?

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration.



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