Stuart Chapman was a 2014 Black Rock City Honoraria artist, and he’s working on another divination/chakra project!
Curious about the “bio-psychic field” at Burning Man? Last year, Stuart Chapman repurposed a bathroom scale into a qi generator for the root chakras. The Wheel of Life was a “divinatory oracle based on Medieval cosmology [updated] for Life in the 21st Century.”
Chapman plans to collect more anecdotal evidence to demonstrate the strength of the bio-psychic field at Black Rock City with this year’s Wheel of Self Reflection. Wheel of Self Reflection has been outfitted and enhanced with a pyramidal capstone of light that will activate the upper chakras of each seeker. Expanding on last year’s amazing “synchronicity of the fortunes,” Chapman intends to “optimize the meaningful match-up of seeker and oracle” with this installation.