Fellow Burners at A Walk Through Time camp are asking: Did you know we are currently facing the potential loss of 30-50% of Earth’s species by mid-century? This is in our lifetime, and it threatens humanity’s survival. Really. No joke, friends. As the Pope (HA!) announced on June 18, we (humanity) have some real issues to contend with.
The A Walk Through Time camp is bringing an art project to the playa to share the story of how life and biodiversity developed on our planet. The purpose is to offer a rich context for exploring fundamental issues regarding humanity and the future of all life on Earth. This project is the story of how we came to be, and it’s ambitious — it wouldn’t be Burning Man without pushing the envelope! A Walk Through Time will run 1/3 mile with interactive play stops along the way and a participatory pavilion at the end.
A Walk Through Time is a camp and a project with a mission: these long-time Burners are convening at Burning Man this year to elevate this important question: How do we stabilize climate change through business, policy, and most importantly through mobilizing The People?
Check out their Indiegogo campaign, and their charming disclaimer at the end.