Welcome to the Burning Man Journal, our newly redesigned blog, featuring news, information, stories and opinion from writers across the spectrum of Burning Man culture.
We’re pretty excited about this new design because it allows us to highlight key stories and announcements, while also surfacing all the great content that’s been created over the years, making it more useful to our readers. That, and it’s hella pretty.
Take it for a whirl and you’ll see just how much has changed, but let us give you a quick tour of some features you might like …
If you look up top, you’ll see our content is conveniently broken down into Sections, like a newspaper. Each section has Categories, helping you navigate the breadth of information to be found in the Journal. You’ll also notice thumbnail images include a little red category badge which links to other posts in that category.
Our Archives make it easy to dive deep into all the posts we’ve published since 2000, and to see all our categories at a glance. And if you want to see posts by your favorite Author, we’ve got you covered there too.
If you look at the bottom of the homepage, you’ll find our “Collections”, or groupings of content — like “Playa Tips” or “The 10 Principles Blog Series” — that will be rotated seasonally, giving you easy access to valuable older content you’ll want at a particular time of year.
You can also Subscribe and get a daily email notification when new posts are published, or (for the geeks) grab the RSS feed to do with what you will.
As part of this new design, the blog has been renamed The Burning Man Journal. For you history buffs, the name hearkens back to the days of olde and the Burning Man Journal, the printed (like, with ink and stuff) newsletter that Burning Man produced in the 90’s and early 2000’s that was (essentially) a pre-internet-boom forerunner to the blog. Plus, it’s a cool name with zip and pizzazz. So there’s that. Thus, our URL is now journal.burningman.org — don’t worry though, old links will automagically redirect to the right place.
There’s more of course, and we encourage you to poke around, explore, and see what you see. We hope you enjoy the Burning Man Journal as much as we do bringing it to you. Thanks for reading!
Big fan of the blog format so I can click the link and see each new post by scrolling down and I’m a big fan of all the stories and info that gets posted here. Will putting new posts into each category allow me to see each new post in one place, ie will all new posts still appear on the front page, or do I need to click on each category to see each new post (I don’t like getting daily emails and I don’t use RSS. I use a BlackBerry, too, if you get the picture).
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Hi, anon. The front page shows only featured posts (in chronological order), and the sections show all posts in chronological order, with a featured post at the top. We provide email and RSS subscriptions for people who want to see all new posts at once, because those technologies are perfect for that kind of use, and we want the site to be organized. People who want to bookmark a single page to check to find out about all new posts can use http://journal.burningman.org/archives/, or you can go to http://journal.burningman.org/2015/ (and in a month you’ll change the year).
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You need to test the links remotely…
The first link takes around 15 seconds.
The secound one is better, almost instant gratification.
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Jon-Thanks. I appreciate what’s trying to be done, but I just want the new and info, which I really enjoy reading, without having to check each section. Your links are fine and give me what I need/want.
So…when do tickets go on sale :) (but really I come here for the articles)
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@roissy: The plug-in that makes the tree menu on the Archives page has to generate the full list of all posts every time it runs, so it’s slow. We found it good enough to get it out the door (I promise you, we do testing), and we’re working on the Archives page for future releases.
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Jon–You may want to remind site visitors to change their URL to 2016 if they bookmarked your suggestion about 2015 links
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Oops-forgot to quote your language “you can go to http://journal.burningman.org/2015/ (and in a month you’ll change the year).” It’s now 2016 and folks may not realize they’re missing out on the new posts.
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Will/Jon and/or other blog/journal folks-Can you add a little button to take the reader directly to the comments on each blog post and to show how many comments were posted? Sometimes I’ve read the article but like to go back to read the comments and it would be helpful (but perhaps this is just me) to have a direct link without having to scroll down and see if there are any changes/additions. By way of example, but not comparing you to either, Reddit allows this feature (ad does eplaya in a more limited way by showing you the number of pages, or just allowing you to go to the most recent comment). If you don’t add this, I’ll just go back to my radical self-reliance of scrolling down (or not checking at all). Thanks in advance.
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We’re in the process of thinking about the comments for upcoming revisions of the site, and we’ll take that into consideration.
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Thank you!
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We have a new/better solution now: http://journal.burningman.org/2015/12/news/official-announcements/presenting-the-burning-man-journal/#comment-1247107
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The sections can be nice, but I do not like having to drill down to find the latest postings…
So if the latest posting are somewhere (their own section?) that would be great. I like the old style where I can quickly login to check if anything new was posted…
(I see the answer may be above.)
BTW: Since the move to the new web site, the link for the Gerlach office weather station has been missing…
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Yep, we’re working on a solution for that.
The Gerlach web cam is here: http://burningman.org/event/preparation/local-towns/gerlach-webcam/ and linked from the sidenav here: http://burningman.org/event/preparation/local-towns/
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maybe one day. i have been dreaming of going for years, and it makes it really bad when i see what i missed each and every year
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Hi everybody. We’ve built a reverse-chronological page of all posts that more like what you’re used to on a conventional blog. You can get there at http://journal.burningman.org/all, and it’s linked at the top of the Archives page.
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Sort of never mind my above posts as I’ve just now seen this subsequent comment/fix, which others may not have seen either. I just need me some blog/journal posts :), which I really enjoy (thanks!)
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