Has it ever seemed to you that there are more ways to be a citizen of Black Rock City than there are to be a citizen of anyplace else you live? Your home town, your county, your state?
Well, it’s not actually true, but it can certainly seem true. And the reason it seems true, according to Walker Fisher, is that there is a link between creative freedom and civic engagement. People who feel creatively empowered in turn make creative spaces, and creative spaces are easier for people to engage with as citizens than conventional spaces. That’s because creative spaces as you who you want to be, rather than forcing you to choose from a list of prescribed options.
In this Philosophical Center podcast, we talk about the link between creative freedom and civic engagement. Walker was a Philanthropic Engagement Associate with Burning Man Project at the time this was recorded.
I read what you have said in many a books from many of ages through many a nations this planet has produced. Empathy to see the other as you-myself, to breath is the only given the rest is the creation of each as they see from the truth of being themselves, no other. Respect, Responsibility, safety third.
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That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posting!
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Nice information. Thanks for sharing!
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