By the Coffee Shop Team
Can you make a mean macchiato or pull shots like a pro? Or maybe you’re a whiz with moolah and making things run smoothly. Well, Center Camp Café may be just your cup of tea… coffee… hot chocolate.
We’re looking for more volunteers to help serve cuppas to our community during the event — and we welcome newbies too!
At Center Camp Café, our coffee counter is staffed with cashiers, experienced baristas, runners and brewers, and there are a huge range of little things that need doing.
Cashiers work at the counter, taking orders and making change. Baristas must have prior experience and be able to pull shots, steam milk and make all the variations of coffee on a standard machine.
Runners keep things running smooth behind the counter, filling ice coolers, pouring the cold drinks and keeping the baristas stocked.
If you have yet to fill out the general purpose Burning Man Volunteer Questionnaire, please go to the Participation Portal — it’s the first step in signing up as a volunteer.
After you submit that form, one or more teams within the Burning Man community (including the Coffee Shop) will be in touch with more specific details depending on what questions you have answered.
If you’ve already completed that form in the past and are familiar with the scheduling system, then hit us up at with a note about a membership check-up.
Burning Man only happens because you and a host of other volunteers co-create this one-of-a-kind temporary community. And our efforts are driven by our love for the community that we serve and laugh and dance with 24/7! Every volunteer counts, so we look forward to counting you amongst them.
Top photo: Center Camp Café (Photo by Philip Safarik)
I love Center Camp! I spend most of my time there and you can sleep on the couches. People spend so much time setting up their own camps, but you can crash all week at Center Camp. Plus, hot chicks!
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Looking forward to my shifts at the Cafe! Always good times!!
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Intereated to join the bar team!
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Are you granted access with a ticket for this?
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Is this for 2017 or 2018?
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Oh PLEASE Pick me…
Was a cashier for a time in my life….
can count & make change….
& can make a mean cup a java…..
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I’m available to work !!!
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I’m available to work
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