Burning Man Arts is thrilled to announce we are creating a new grant program for the Temple, which will start in 2018.
The Temple is typically the largest participant-created art installation on playa. It’s an incredibly complex undertaking, with a crew in the hundreds, fundraising goals of over $100K, and a real labor of love.

Burning Man Project supports the Temple each year with up to $100k in funding and resources such as decomposed granite, water, fuel and some equipment. But we care deeply about assisting these amazing artists, so we’re always looking for ways to support them better.
And the number one piece of feedback that we receive from artists? “We need more time!”
So that is exactly what we are giving you: more time. We will now start the Temple grant cycle in September 2017 and notify applicants in December.

How BRC Temple Grants Worked in the Past

Since 2002, proposals to build the Temple in Black Rock City (BRC) have been submitted as part of the BRC Honoraria grant process and grouped together with all the other artists who want funding to build art on playa.
This means Temple artists have also waited until March to be notified about the success of their proposal, leaving only five months to secure a work space, recruit their crew, and develop and implement a fundraising plan — let alone the actual fun part of building the piece.
Making the Change
The Temple isn’t dependent on the annual theme, so we were able to adjust the timeline and start the submission process earlier in the year. This will not only give the Temple artists more time to build and fundraise, but it will also allow Burning Man Arts to more clearly define what resources we can provide to the Temple artists.

How to Apply for the 2018 BRC Temple Grant
Building the Black Rock City Temple is a significant undertaking. It’s also a chance to realize a dream and create a space for thousands of participants to have meaningful experiences.
If this sounds like you, the first step is reading this essay by John “Moze” Mosbaugh about the history and significance of the BRC Temple. Then, head on over to our brand new BRC Temple Grant Page for the juicy details on available resources, what we are looking for in a successful proposal, and how to apply.

Top photo: The Temple Project by David Best and The Temple Crew, 2016 (Photo by Jamen Percy)
This is awesome news!
And thanks for taking the feedback of Artists to heART and then moving into real Change in process and Timeline!
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I think it’s time I step in and create a new way to burn. I m an inventior that builds very clean burning artistic rocket stoves that create fire tornados. That’s all you need to know for now. Ask Larry about Ray Cirino’s dragon.
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How does one volunteer to help in the construction of next years temple?
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Brian, thank you for wanting to help build the Temple! We will select next year’s Temple artists by this December and I expect they’ll do a public call for volunteers after they’re notified.
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I would love to help build this temple next year .. please let me know how I can do this ?
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Please take the time to read the comment directly above yours next time.
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Is it possible to receive a grant to give the gift of crystal energy healings at the temple . I did this in the mock village at the BurningMan of 2014, and would be honored to do this again.
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Why would you want money for something that is absolutely free to give as a gift?
Way too much commercialism going around in these circles these days.
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You people are straight out nuts!!
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Where does the wood come from for the temple? Is it new wood? Reclaimed? I just wonder how many trees are used to construct it?
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good question: This year the wood came from dead forests, killed by drought and beetles. A fantastic development and beautiful material to work with.
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American tax payers should not foot the bill for this Temple. Use your own money.
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Mexico will be payinf for the temple.
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Now THAT’S funny.
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I would like be part of this project.
I’m an Italian B & B owener in north east cost of Brasil : II woul like to be informed about my possibility to be there next year.
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Marco, thank you for wanting to help build the Temple! We will select next year’s Temple artists by this December and I expect they’ll do a public call for volunteers after they’re notified.
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salut j aimerais beaucoup faire partit de se projet pour vous aider a construire ou autre !!un reve depuis tres tres longtemps merci
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Rei, Merci bien! Nous allons choisir les artists du Temple en décembre. Je pense que ces artists feront un appel publique pour bénévoles après qu’ils sont notifiers.
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I want to help build this temple next year. How can be volunteer to help in the construction of next years temple? Respectfully…
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Yigit, Burning Man doesn’t organize the Temple crew. It’s the selected Temple artists who assemble their team. Typically Temple artists do a public call for volunteers. The artists for next year’s Temple will be notified in December so keep an eye out early next year.
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Is there only support for the main temple? I would like to be a sacred Sound Temple on a smaller scale. Is there funding for this?
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JoAnn, The Black Rock City Honoraria Program isn’t changing. You can read in the blog post above that we are separating the Temple out from the regular Honoraria grant program, which is what funds art (except the Temple) in BRC. If you are interested in applying for funding for a sound temple, you can learn more about the BRC Honoraria Program here: https://burningman.org/culture/burning-man-arts/grants/brc-honoraria/
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