One of the magical elements of Burning Man culture is (radical) Participation. Burners show up, stuff gets built, and creativity flourishes. Watching Black Rock City emerge from the dust is extraordinary; similarly, being part of Virtual Burn 2021 is quintessentially radical.
For those who have the incredible stamina to organize a theme camp, create art, or share their mad performance skills, each of the Worlds is looking for performances and experiences to share with the Virtual Burner-verse. The Worlds are also welcoming people with the technical chops to help build them as well as those who just want to offer their assistance helping Burners along their virtual journey.
*drum roll* Here’s your Participation Guide 101 with the basics you need to know about how to participate in this year’s Virtual Burn!
To learn even more about the 2021 Virtual Burn Worlds — when, where, and how to dive into the one that’s right for you — check out our in-depth Virtual Burn 2021 Participation Guide for all the details, or follow our Virtual Burn 2021 series on the Journal.
Calling All Performers and Theme Camp Organizers
From fire spinning to stand up comedy to theme camps to workshops, you can bring all of that and more to the virtual landscape. Whether you have a performance to share, a camp you want to build, or you’ve just wrangled enough cats on the playa that producing a virtual event seems like cake — come dive right in! Fill out this Participation Form to be connected with the Worlds.
Calling All Artists
If you create art — virtual or otherwise — log on and get involved. Do you have a vision of something you want to build in Black Rock City or at a Regional Event? Perhaps you have existing photos, videos, or 3D models you want to share from a previous Burn. Well this is a place to relive that experience and/or make that dream come true. Burning Man is a community that makes things happen, and art is at its core. Submit your art and make the impossible possible.
Calling All Technical Titans
As we count down to the Virtual Burn, the Worlds could benefit from the technical skills many of you possess. If you recognize any of these words — Blender, Maya, Rhino, Unity, C++, or JSON — you just might be a Technical Titan, and we need YOU. Let us know if you’re tech savvy so the Worlds can get in touch with you directly.
Calling All the Civically-Minded
Burning Man is also a community united under a shared belief of selfless service. Virtual Burn is evidence of that; just as there is back-of-house artistic and technical fun, the Worlds need front-of-house support where one can perform civically-responsible duties. Are you a natural greeter or tour guide? Do you consider yourself more of a healer, an educator, or a mediator? There are many different roles within the Worlds to offer your help, as well as opportunities to help the Virtual Event Support Team (V.E.S.T.). Learn about these opportunities with V.E.S.T. and the Worlds.
Calling All Curious Future Burners
Have you always wanted to go to Black Rock City? Wondering, “What exactly is the Virtual Burn, how does it work, and is it for me?” You can learn all about the Virtual Burn (and a bit about Burning Man, too) in these simple steps:
- Visit the Virtual Burn 2021 website.
- Check out the Virtual What Where When.
- Get yourself a ticket. Some Worlds are free; some are donation-based or pay-what-you-want; and some are a set price. There is truly something for everyone.
Calling All Temple Aficionados
All are welcome to make an offering at the 2021 Luminous Lotus Temple. Many consider the Temple to be the soul of Burning Man. Offerings — which may be verbal, written, or visual expressions of your emotions of grief, celebration, or whatever you’re feeling in that moment — are fundamental to the Burning Man experience. You can start making your offerings when the Temple opens its virtual doors on August 29. Stay up to date with all things happening with the Lotus Temple.
Get Ready to Frolic in the Digital Dust!
There are endless ways to participate in the 2021 Virtual Burn — many more than we could list here! Exploring the links provided is the first step to strengthening your participation muscle and figuring out exactly how you want to jump in. Thank you in advance for your gifts, generosity, and collaboration. All the ways you show up and participate are what make playa magic possible.
Cover image courtesy of BRCvr
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Nice to know the light is still shining and burning bright
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