Greetings from the road once again friends!
I’ve been laying low in the Big Apple, trying to catch my breath and prepare for the last leg of this journey through Regional Land. While here I did managed to stop in to the weekly Burner Happy Hour that happens in NYC.
Every Wednesday starting around 7 PM, gaggles of burners gather to catch up, share stories and plot and scheme for the playa.
This week was no exception. The Continental was packed with happy, govial burners. You can definitely tell the burn is not far off from all the excited conversations going on.
Raffle tickets were being sold to help raise money to get an installation called “The Trees” by Been Jammin’ to the playa. Been Jammin’ is creating a large-scale sculpture installation which will be part of the Mangrove surrounding the Man. Pretty nifty sounding piece, it was great to see his fellow community members coming together to help get art from their region out there.
Chatting with OMan one of our NYC Regional Contacts, I also learned that a guide is in the works to compile info about all of the art, performances and theme camps headed to the playa from the NY region. This is the first year for the guide project which is designed to help everyone from NY find and be able to support each other on playa they way they do back home. Pretty cool, eh?
I ran into friend and former BMHQ staffer Holly Kreuter there! Holly worked for many years as a Sr Staff member and supported the Community Services Department among a zillion other things. What a surprise to find her here.
Marah one of the NJ Regionals who we met at Nowhere stopped in as well as SuzieQ. SuzieQ has actually been on the road and traveled to Nowhere and Transformus and is now home in NYC. It was a very special treat to see her again.
Such a HUGE city means it is teaming with burners. The NY Burner community is as diverse and wonderful as NYC itself. They are organized like no others – the first group to arrange for an actual shipping container from their region to the playa. A great way to deal with getting all the supplies and gear to the playa from so far away.
It was a nice treat to catch even a teeny glimpse of the NY Burner community. To learn more about Happy Hour and to get plugged into the Big Apple Burners you can send them a note directly to: newyork(at)burningman(dot)com