2008 Regional Leadership Summit

Back in February we hosted a not-so-little event at Burning Man HQ in San Francisco called the Regional Leadership Summit.

2008 is the second year we have hosted the Summit, geared towards Regional Contacts and other community leaders. It provides an opportunity for Regional Contacts from around the world to get together face to face to share ideas, attend work shops and trainings, ask questions and spend some quality time in person with their fellow cohorts and colleagues from around the globe.


Filouz and Stefan
Phil from Paris, Stefan from Munich

Aside from a mixer on the playa, this is the only opportunity to get so many Regional Contacts together in one place at the same time. The Regional Network has grown by leaps and bounds in the last year to become a truly global Network. We now have Regional Contacts in 16 countries around the world. Regional Contacts joined us for the Summit from as far away as South Africa, France, Ireland, Germany, and the UK. It was thrilling to have such international representation and participation for a long weekend in San Francisco.

The agenda included discussions, workshops, and presentations about everything from the incredible Black Rock Solar project, Technology to benefit local communities, how to write a mission statement and success stories from other Regional groups and communities and ideas of how to get more involved in civic minded projects at home via the ideas of Burners without Borders.

Tom Price - Black Rock Solar
Tom Price during Black Rock Solar presentation
Tech Workshop
The Technology workshop

With over 100 Summit attendees, you can image the amount of creativity, energy, enthusiasm and passion generated over the course of the long weekend. There is no doubt that these hard working volunteers care about their local communities and are working towards fostering them to grow and flourish.

Additional photos from the weekend can be found here. Special thanks to Mr. Nightshade from The Blight.Net for documenting everything for us!

Monique and Randy
Monique from South Africa with Randy from Ireland

About the author: Bex


Bex Workman is the Regional Network Administrator for Burning Man. She is fond of rubber chickens, clowns and pirates. Ye have been warned.