The [BRAF] is proud to announce the exhibition of Celtic Forest: Book of the Raven by Laura Kimpton and Jeff Schomberg in Reno this summer.
There is a FUNdraiser this Friday, so you can contribute to bringing art to Reno; dance, hoop and check out fire performances by Controlled Burn FREE this Friday, June 5th, but be prepared to buy a raffle ticket or two.

About the author: Affinity
Affinity, a Burner since 2000, was legally married on the Playa in 2001, was wedding coordinator and then training coordinator at Burning Man, before becoming the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) Social Media Coordinator and an Advisory Board Member. An attorney, she served on the Board of Directors of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference. She interned with the Human Awareness Institute for 10 years. She writes about how art is envisioned, produced, created, installed and its afterlife.
This just in, there is a $10 requested donation at the door, but it is optional. The goal is to raise awareness and funds for the Black Rock Arts Foundation Civic Arts projects in Reno. Consider attending, contributing and donating to the Black Rock Arts Foundation to support the values of Burning Man for projects created in communities where you live.
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I am looking for three tickets for BM 2011…..HELP!!!!!!! Area 51 is at Esplanade and 5pm…404-308-5626 for any word. Blessings, David
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