This is our favorite time of year at the [BRAF], lots of exciting interactive art to share with you. The Grant Committee of the [BRAF] is proud to announce the winners of our 2009 Grant Cycle. We received a record number of applications this year, over 260, and awarded more grants than ever before, giving away a total of $45,000 to 10 projects.
Our 2009 Grantee projects represent a truly diverse range of approaches to interactive art making. The concepts and implementation of the projects contrast greatly, employing both high and low-tech media, inviting both expressive freedom and refinement of craft, arising from both established collaborations and events and grassroots efforts, reaching both small-town and metropolitan communities. But, as always, our grantees share a common goal: to include their community in the creation of a project that exists for and belongs to the public – a project that provokes immediate actions that connect individuals with each other and with their community at large.