We don’t usually tell you about local events but we thought this was so new and exciting you had to know about it! A [BRAF] 2009 Grant Recipient, Live Debris 2009 is a series of international events sharing reuse traditions as a means of reducing stigmas around garbage, poverty and street culture. Live Debris has taken place in Beirut, Lebanon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and now Portland, Oregon.
About the author: Affinity
Affinity, a Burner since 2000, was legally married on the Playa in 2001, was wedding coordinator and then training coordinator at Burning Man, before becoming the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) Social Media Coordinator and an Advisory Board Member. An attorney, she served on the Board of Directors of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference. She interned with the Human Awareness Institute for 10 years. She writes about how art is envisioned, produced, created, installed and its afterlife.
Does anyone have a few fun photos of the Portland 2009 Live Debris event? I write a newsletter for a state (Oregon) recycling organization, and would love to include a photo or two from Saturday’s event on the Esplanade.
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You might try contact the organizer directly:
Taylor Cass Stevenson
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I just enjoyed a morning smile as I was leafing through a collection of Robert Service poems: The first line of his poem “Dirt” is “Dirt is just matter out of place”. The term MOOP has a fine literary heritage. Rivergal
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I was wondering what is up with that weird gravatar??? I do know 5am is early and I’m not wanting my finest at that hour, but I hope I don’t appear to be this! I might nevertheless make that face if I’m asked to do 100 pushups. lol
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