On December 13, 2011, the Burning Man Special Events Team hosted a free workshop about fundraising for art projects, conducted by yours truly, wearing my art curator / maker / facilitator / supporter hat for the evening. We’re happy to say that it was well-attended, both in house at Burning Man HQ and online via live webcast.
We recorded the audio from the workshop [UPDATE: sadly, the audio is no longer available] and uploaded the accompanying Fundraising for Art Projects PowerPoint presentation so those of you who couldn’t attend can still benefit from the information presented. Feel free to share this around, of course … the more people learning how to raise funds for art projects the better. Here’s the workshop description:
Want to create something awe inspiring — on playa or off — and wondering how to cover the costs? If so, this workshop on fundraising might be just for you! If you want to create a medium- or large-scale art project, you’re likely going to need money to realize your vision … and unless you’re independently wealthy, this will require fundraising of some kind. This workshop will cover fundraising strategies, tips and techniques to help maximize your effort whether you’re looking for help from your immediate community or a broader audience of donors. (Note: this workshop will NOT cover grants or grantwriting. It will instead focus more on on-line crowd-sourcing options and similar direct fundraising efforts.)
If you’re interested in learning specifically about applying for Burning Man Art Grants, there’s a workshop coming up soon on that topic … stay tuned for more information.
Please keep us posted for any arts funding workshops, grants, or other funding sources for projects, collaborations, community, urban revitalization, technology and art, etc.
Thank you
Richard Felix
Co-founder of PublicArtSpaces
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I am designing a large scale project that I hoe can be completed by this year’s BM. The theme turned out to be auspiciously related to my project. I am going over the Power Point now, but if I have missed out on the grant submission workshop could you send me any materials on that?
Gerardo el Gallo
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Thank you so much for posting this online. The future is so fantastic :-) You touched on a lot of things we’re currently trying to work out for BM piece, and answered questions I didn’t know we should have been asking. Thank you
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