Here’s a great story we’d like to pass along … as our global community has grown, we’ve heard about more and more “Orphan Burns”, where Burners who can’t make it to the playa for Burning Man get together to celebrate on Burn night.
And while we’d rather use a term like “Alterna-Burn”, since “Orphan Burn” implies one is without family, which clearly isn’t the case here, to each their own! It’s quite possible that down the line, as this phenomenon grows, this natural extension of Burning Man will simply be called “The [insert your locale here] Burn”. Time will tell. Stevil of the Border Burners writes:

“Representing one of the world’s smallest communities of Burners, the Border Burners from El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, and Juarez Mexico, held their first “Orphan Burn” on Saturday, September 3, 2011; while over 1200 miles away, The Man was burning in Black Rock City. While not a sanctioned/official Burning Man event, it was a time for the few Burners from this area to get together and keep the Burning Man flame lit, even though we couldn’t make it to the Playa this summer.
Representing the far other end of the statistics spectrum, there were about 20 people in attendance … 6 of whom had been to Burning Man before. Our effigy was built out of scrap lumber on the day of the Burn by Border Burners Gordon Howell and Fernie Fernandez.

In general, the Border Burners try to keep our tiny community of a handful of Burners (and Burners at heart) connected while we’re waiting for the next Man to burn on the playa. We have a monthly poi/fire arts workshop in Las Cruces, NM. We have a few slide shows and documentary screenings throughout the year. We are starting to have a presence at many local civic art events, and have an active announce list with over 300 subscribers. We also try to establish a Border Burner’s presence when on the playa (semi-famous for our tamales); and we usually have a small group who attend the local regional Burns closer to home, such as Saguaro Man and the Arizona Decompression.
For any more information about the Border Burners, please contact Stevil at : elpaso@burningman.com”
Border Burners 2011 Orphan Burn from Tortilla Productions on Vimeo.
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Here in Arizona we call it No Burner Left Behind. Luckily, I have not had to avail myself of it since I’ve become a Burner.
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Awesome idea :)
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We too gathered together, built a man, and connected with a lap top to the streaming video of the burn at black rock city. Wow we could feel the energy from afar by being close to our own burning man. Always connected!
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We currently have a man resting on his back awaiting adequate snow cover. If and when that coincides with a full moon, our man “The Burning Boy” will rise and burn in a currently undisclosed location in far Northern Cal. Time and coordinates will be discreetly anounced at the appropriate time. YaaHoo!!!
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