BRC Gets Green Light from BLM: What Does This Mean for Tickets?

Black Rock City, 2010

Exciting news! Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), issued a decision record on our Environmental Assessment (EA), granted us a Special Recreation Permit for 2012, and announced a maximum population for the 2012 event of approximately 60,900 participants!

Check out our press release.

Read BLM’S letter announcing their decision.

Join us today in celebrating: we have a permit for this year’s event and approval to expand our population!  We know this will have many readers asking if this means there will be additional tickets for this year.

Now that we have our permit, we have an accurate number to work from when discussing the best approach in the coming weeks.

We had previously been working with a projected population of 58,000 and now we know that we can have a peak population of 60,900 in Black Rock City.

The Directed Ticket Distribution process is still underway.  For more information about how any additional tickets made available by the new population cap will be distributed to Burners looking for tickets, keep your eyes on the Jackrabbit Speaks Newsletter!

Copies of the Final EA, Finding of No Significant Impact, Decision Record, SRP Decision and related documents are available for viewing and upon request from the BLM Winnemucca District Office and online here.

About the author: Marian Goodell

Marian Goodell

Marian serves as Burning Man Project’s first Chief Executive Officer. She first attended Burning Man in 1995, met Larry and the other organizers in the fall of 1996, and in 1997 helped found the contemporary Burning Man organization. In previous roles, she was the Director of Business and Communications, briefly oversaw the Black Rock City Department of Public Works, and steered the development of the Burning Man Regional Network, which is now on six continents, with nearly 300 representatives in 34 countries. Marian is currently leading the organization’s efforts to facilitate and extend the Burning Man ethos globally.

94 Comments on “BRC Gets Green Light from BLM: What Does This Mean for Tickets?

  • Special Ed says:

    Great news for all BM friends and fans. Congrats!

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  • Peace says:

    Really good news. Of-course you now have about 3000 hot potatoes you get to handle, but you must be getting used to that. Congratulations. This is going to be an amazing year.

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  • Joe says:

    Hope the consider selling those new ones to those of us still in line at STEP!

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  • wandergirl says:

    STEP! STEP! please oh please! everybody has been waiting ever so patiently…

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  • julie says:

    I hope the extra tickets will be going to STEP people

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  • Gearbox says:

    I wouldn’t expect any new distribution of tickets based on the above numbers. Last year, BMOrg went over the population cap, and that was A Big Deal to the BLM. Doing so a second year in a row, especially with a >> 60k population probably would be a big bad thing. Note that we got a single year permit for the event, not the usual five-year extension. They’ll be looking *Very Closely* at how things play out this year to determine whether things go on as planned next year, or other stipulations occur.

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  • Dana Ullman says:

    Has anyone considered having Burning Man for 2, 3, or 4 weeks, and yet, only allow most attendees to stay only 1 week, thereby allowing as many people who want to attend to do so? To me, it is sad that so many extraordinary art is gone in a week…leaving it up longer enables much more people to see and appreciate it.

    Obviously, it is not necessary to burn the man every week…and as a long-time burner, seeing the Man burn is not a necessary part of my Burning Man experience.

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  • Stevenn says:

    Yes, please consider those of us who’ve been waiting for months on STEP. We’re longtime Burners who played by the rules but are now sitting by the sidelines while preparations get underway for another great time in the desert. I would think it’s only fair to honor the current STEP queue before distributing any more tickets by other means.

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  • MoBo says:

    I’d say SOME tickets going to STEP would be a comfort to those who so far have been patient and taken the BORG suggestions regarding tickets at face value. Maybe not a number that would put us at risk of going over the BLM mandated limit, but some. I also acknowledge the need for directed tickets to ensure there is something out there in the desert to go to when the gate opens.

    Fingers crossed.

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  • cobblepot says:

    good to know BM is actually happening this year, especially after hundreds of people have spent $$$ working on art and stuff. ha!

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  • Barry says:

    BM has gone from over crowded to more over crowded. Many groups who would be very valuable to BM gave up on tickets so they will not bring their camp this year and we will have a higher % of virgins. There was not mention of widening the road in and out….this news would have been more interesting coming early enough for the major camps to be sure of tickets…now it just mean more newbs…. One good thing is that at least the after market for scalpers will be cooled…

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  • Jenifer says:

    Although already got my STEP tix after an agonizing wait (HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY), adding my voice to others that it would be awesome and most fair to put any additional tickets into the STEP program. If you read the eplaya boards those are some long suffering and committed people!

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  • Dizz says:

    Please give it to us step people, we have applied and applied and deserve first rights to new tix….PLEASE

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  • scott_k says:

    +1 for STEP. Any open sale is open to being taken advantage of by scalpers… right?

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  • jesus says:

    Barry, the black rock desert could easily hold 100,000. Thats the population of a big rock concert or sporting event held in a stadium. BM is 5 SQUARE MILES. Its far from overcrowded.

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  • Haim says:

    Burning Man is Eternity & Forever

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  • Jonathan Corbett says:

    You guys in STEP are lucky — I was registered for the drawing, didn’t get a STEP e-mail despite that, and BM support refuses to send me a new one since the line is so long now anyway.

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  • Patrick Kelly says:

    I don’t know if this is doable to print the persons name on the tickets and require people to send in copies of Ids
    Prevent scalping non transferable

    And thanks for all you’ve all done
    We know you are trying to solve a
    very difficult situation

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  • Kristy says:

    jesus…while the actual desert could hold many people, getting all of those people to the Black Rock Desert is a whole different story! Being in a rural location, with only a two lane highway for miles, will necessarily place limits on how many people can get in and out of the event with the current 8 day permit.

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  • Cousin Dickey says:

    I’m searching for something to share that would be, if not profound, at least relevant.

    And I can’t.

    Come see us at aez.

    Hugs, Cousin Dickey

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  • AJ says:

    Such great news!!!! How about additional low income tickets too!

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  • gescove says:

    Excellent news and I hope it enables some more folks to get tickets. I was unlucky in the lottery. I was kicked out of STEP when the line grew too long, despite attempting connect when STEP opened beginning at 12:00:00:01. I have no idea what’s fair for distribution at this point, but I hope to land a ticket somehow! Home will be epic again this year regardless.

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  • Rob says:

    This is really heartening!

    +1 for STEP. I’ve already got mine so I’m really plugging for the other STEP-kids in waiting.

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  • Rob says:

    got my ticket already, but count me in as another vote for all the burners waiting in STEP.

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  • Rob says:

    damn it 2 Robs in a row. I swear we are not the same person.

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  • Bev Williams says:

    I echo everyone’s hope you will add the tix to the STEP Program. I’m in the queue and * must burn * !

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  • Paul Dominic Lopez says:

    Very exciting that many more burners can go home again this year…the playa provides and The ORG will always look after us.

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  • toppa says:

    this is great news for the burning man community, but really bad news for the ancient lake bed and everyone else who used to enjoy the space before this event made the it unsafe. LNT, really? you really think all the rebar gets pulled out every year? it doesn’t.

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  • Bama says:

    “Directed Ticket Distribution Process” sounds so very Orwellian. Call it what it is: Burning Man is picking and choosing who is worthy of receiving a ticket.

    Some Burners are More Equal Than Others.

    I sincerely doubt more tickets will be released. They went over their capacity last year, so I imagine, with 57k tickets sold, this will create the “buffer” they need not to go over capacity. I hate it for you STEP people, but I wouldn’t expect more tickets.

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  • Micky Saturn says:

    If a ticket then a ticket will a ticket….. Step.
    my mantra for the Burn.

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  • Foxfur says:

    While I support many more folks being able to attend I am ambivalent about the sale of more tickets. With 58,000 tickets out there perhaps the new attendance cap should be seen as a buffer to be sure that what happened last year doesn’t happen again.
    I’m excited to be going this year and am thrilled at the prospect of witnessing what is predicted to be the highest burgin population ever.
    Read the survival guide, the 10 principles, and get involved at Eplaya.
    Your burn will be all the better for it.

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  • xhoosier says:

    I have my ticket already but I will also say “Step, Step, Step, Step……”

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  • G says:

    Damn, three Robs in a row, now I am really confused :D

    Did I hear someone say widen highway? Sounds good, but how does that fix the bottlenecks though the little towns along the way?

    IMHO, open the event one or two days earlier, burn the Man on Friday, Temple Saturday. Post burn Sunday will be like recent post burn Mondays on steroids, and Monday would be much like it is now. A extra day for exodus constitutes a 33% increase in time available for it, and would make a huge difference.

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  • Karen says:

    I like “G”s comment and I question how all those Burners are going to enter the event. The bottleneck on day one and the entry roads is already out of control.

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  • harinama says:

    This is great news, as it’s a testament to the incredible LNT mentality of Burners. It reinforces, however, the tenuous nature of our home on the playa, and that only if we are very careful about attendance, and lnt, will it continue to be available.

    Yay, to 3000 more burners!

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  • Allison says:

    I really hope those extra tickets wind up in STEP!
    The extra vehicles and people will be a challenge, but one that burners can overcome.

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  • Souldancer says:

    Fabulous News! I put this out to the Universe when I didn’t get tickets after the initial registeration distribution process. I did get on the STEP list, but still have not received an email for available tickets. I really do hope the remaining STEP registers are considered for front of the line with the additional tickets now available.

    I twisted, contorted & busted my virgin cherry last year w/ a slew of my veteran burner friends & family. My experience was life changing, beautiful beyond words, soul touching & filled with delicious hussy dancing! I had several moments where it was beyond clear that I needed & was meant to be there this year too w/ my burner family. I followed all the steps in the new ticket distribution process and when neither myself or my girlfriend were selected in the lottery I didn’t give up hope. I got in the step list…w/ much perseverance, but after months of no email from STEP I seriously mourned over not going this year. A new light has surfaced & my heart is full of anticipated joy that I may just get to continue my journey this year.

    Thank you BLM & BRC!!!!!!!!! )^(

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  • SpaCeLuK says:

    STEP, I’M IN FOR step!!

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  • Nomad says:

    I would think it’s only fair to honor the current STEP queue before distributing any more tickets by other means. Don’t forget, many or most of us are longtime Burners who got shut out. Just because we’re not all part of the big theme camps doesn’t mean we haven’t been active participants, and part of smaller, un-official theme camps.

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  • Will Bassnectar be there?

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  • Daniel says:

    Thats really cool I didnt get a ticket the first or second or from low income tickets. I hope they put those towards low income ticket.

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  • Eli says:

    BRC has a huge effect on the environment not only in the playa, but the watersheds on the sierra and eastern sierra where returning burners deposit tons of garbage and alkali dust in the national forests and parks. The Environmental review by BLM is flawed and expanding of the population will have an adverse effect beyond the playa. Get creative with new ideas that don’t involve a larger footprint and don’t be selfish at the cost of our western landscapes.

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  • Sharon says:

    For all of you that seem to be truely worried about preserving the desert, please go to the BLM web site and learn how you can input your concerns and comments. Public hearings are held on this topic and you have an opportunity to comment even via mail and email.

    Use your rights before they are gone!

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  • Carol Sweeney says:

    Just had a visioning thought (thanks AHP, Dana Ullman, and UHCL Visionary Futures) Drop in the extra folks by hot air balloon like in the Wizard of Oz. or/and DROP in from skydiving from individual airplanes….or/and DROP IN LIKE ARIBORNE RANGERS from a C-130 …helicopters would do too… avoid the roads…take flight and take to the AIR!!

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  • iBoy says:

    Hello Wound – here’s some salt and lemon juice.

    Former Burning Man resident & Lottery / Select-Few / STEP-loser

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  • marscrumbs says:

    Add that to the tickets the scalpers will now have to dump. Wow!

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  • G says:

    I wonder how many they will allow in 2013?
    I wonder what a 100,000 man burn would experience like?
    Maybe 100,000 tickets sold would be enough to pave Jungo road :D
    Seriously, 80 miles @ $200,000 per mile is 16 million. 100,000 tickets x$400 = $40.000,000. Would seem to be within the realm of possibility. We could all drive past the BLM Office in Winnemucca and thank them for their co-operation.
    Oh wait. Maybe too much acid today :D

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  • G says:

    Okay Eli, can you document “burners deposit tons of garbage and alkali dust in the national forests and parks”
    I have a friend in the are who bitches about trash along a certain, not to Nixon road I take to decompress at his place. I leave on tues morning. I have seen one abandoned trash bag on the roadside in the 5 years I have been taking that route.
    Overstuffed dumpsters in nearby towns is a legitimate issue however.

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  • tiffani nutter says:

    i think tickets should be for veteran burners who at the time couldnt afford to enter the lottery therefore not allowed to be in the STEP program and who applied but not granted a low income ticket and who are running essential theme camps housing 50% virgin burners we have not been a registered theme camp until this year so we where passed by on direct ticket sales because of it. we have been on playa 12 years in a row volunteered many years and run a large theme camp unregistered. the step program is so full of scalpers and people who bought more tickets than they need frauduently its been unfair, if anyone deserves a shot at tickets it is veteran burners like us and many other vets. not people in step who already had and still have a fair chance of getting tickets.

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  • Pink says:

    I’ve seen a lot of trash along 447. Blown off the roofs of vehicles. Leaving the burn, tie down your trash!! Or put it IN your vehicle. You bring it in, make sure it makes it’s way home with you. And by home, I don’t mean BRC.

    That said, I’ll be seeing yinz on the playa in a few months!

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  • Martin says:

    I missed out on lotto but STEP hooked me up – please hook up my fellow STEPpers! Set my people free!

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  • Laurie Stevens says:

    STEP, STEP, STEP…it is the ONLY
    fair way. Most of the step kids are
    veteran burners who tried to do
    the right thing. Honor their intent!!!

    And as for trash – if you have not
    seen it you are not looking.
    The first few miles back to Gerlach
    are a disaster after exodus! My
    hubby and I are considering an
    “Adopt a Mile” plan so that LNT
    applies outside the gates as well as
    inside. We can and MUST always
    do better – that is going to be the
    most difficult thing to teach our
    burgins. And, make no mistake…
    it is our obligation to teach them.

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  • Laurie Stevens says:

    Oh…Wandering enough…you are
    totally out of line with your
    sentiments AND your language. If
    it is such a terrible destination why
    do you want to go back? Why did
    you even try?

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  • Ian says:

    From ‘Radical Inclusion, Meet the Other Nine.’ “it’s not possible to simply increase the number of tickets available for Burning Man 2012.” oh wait…
    Another vote for STEP

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  • Doc Pyro says:

    G, I hate to disappoint you, but your figures stated above are absolutely inaccurate when it comes to the cost of paving a two-lane road. You quote $200,000/mile for an outlay of $16,000,000. According to the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, the cost to construct a two-lane undivided road in rural areas is actually $2-$3,000,000 per mile, or ten times the number you misquoted. That increases the cost by $144,000,000. Not a reasonable alternative unless you just hit five plus the Mega Number.

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  • Tahoe T says:

    How the heck is BM planning on getting 60,000 burners on and off the playa?

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  • G says:

    @Doc Pyro

    It was a rather obscure subject for various search engines.
    Looks like you cite a credible source.
    oh well, back to the acid.

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  • Peace says:


    The same way they did it last year, slooooowly.

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  • Peace says:

    284 tickets listed on stub-hub

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  • PlayaNai`a says:

    eBay tix (and more are posted every day) are running $800-1200!!! No, no, no no!
    I got one through the senior plan, BUT, coming from Maui, if I don’t get a camp (Hushville) host, I can’t go (boo hoo!). There’s no easy way to get a camp across the Pacific, unfortunately. I’ve always lucked out with rides, RV or tent space, loaner bike, cooler space, etc. Help!
    p.s. STEP first, I wholeheartedly agree.

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  • Liam Be'em says:

    I add one more voice:

    “… it’s only fair to honor the current STEP queue before distributing any more tickets by other means.”

    Fair’s fair, and the STEP people played fairly, patiently by the rules.

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  • Patches says:

    What the number means – 60900 is not the number of tickets, it is the maximum number of people present at any given time. Guess there could be a bit more tickets sold, considering some will leave before others come over.

    As for getting there and back – price differentiation could be based not on time the ticket is purchased (we know already they all will be sold out once posted), but rather on number of people in a car.
    Make some tickets <> – say 3+ pple in a vehicle ticket will be cheaper than unlimited (1+ in), but more expensive than 5+.
    Could be beneficial for folks staying in larger camps, where infrastructure is taken care of already. But thats for the next year.

    And for now – extra tickets to STEP and see ya all in the dust

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  • TeCo says:

    Look at the shiny side of things; part of the experience of BM IS patience. Instead of bitching about the long lines to enter or exodus, take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about yourself. Patience is a quality of character learned only when exposed to situations like these….when i am in line with all the other thousands of burners I’m not waiting for anything, there is no frustration, because I know IT is part of the experience, I have no control of it. Let it go friend, Enjoy the day.

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  • Robert D says:

    I am in the step program and like many burners, see this as a chance for Burning Man to do the right thing and put at least half of those tickets into STEP/ I think its the fair thing to do and I hope Burning Man listens to everyone (so far they have been) So again One more Vote for STEP/ cant wait to finally get my tickets home/

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  • Firewerkz says:

    STEP!! For all the reasons noted above. I got my ticket through Step. I also know that one person in our group got a low-income ticket notice just last week so the wheels seem to still be turning. Good luck to you and see you on the PLAYA!

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  • Nomad says:

    I’m a veteran burner since ’98 waiting patiently on the STEP queue. Let’s step up to the plate and do the right thing. Honor those who played by the rules and took the time to register for STEP.

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  • Electric Jed says:

    I have to say the people waiting for tickets in the Step program seems the right thing to do.

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  • Rodney Davis says:

    Please consider those who did not have the money to sign up for the original lottery and are now locked out a way that is not a scalper to get tickets.

    Thank you.

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  • Liz says:

    I already have mine, but I vote for STEP as well. The platform is there, the people in the queue have been planning and hoping, and any “open” sale will have them going to scalpers.

    If, for your conscience, you need to pay lip service to those who did not jump in the initial lottery, then have a window where new buyers can be qualified, much as you did with the initial lottery. Then, quietly open the queue unannounced to them and previous lottery entrants.

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  • jezabelle says:

    I work in cultural resource management and am so happy to hear of the increase in of my co-workers was BLM for the black rock desert for years and we have had many discussions regarding this issue..congrats on the new limit that is not doubt to all that make LNT a reality..i am in favor of more tickets and hope those who love the playa can make it home this year..please go with STEP and allow those who love the playa a chance to acquire a tickets in the spirit of the burn to make this festival what it should be..

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  • bernard surprenant says:

    I have received a notification that i was awarded a low income ticket have not received a confirmation second notice yet but am hopefull that will arrive now all i have to do is prepare for the trip there and have adequate camping gear and all the neccesary supplies for my stay there also hope there will be sufficient people for those interesting theme camps and worshops

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  • oneeyeddick says:

    I think the additional tickets should be made available to the little people first.

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  • frank says:

    I think oneeyeddick and any other loser with no life who has more then 1000 posts on Eplaya should be permanently banned from burning man.

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  • frank says:

    tiffani nutter: why exactly do vets who have already had the experience time and again deserve it more then people who have not? Thats very selfish.

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  • leeweh says:

    Step step step… any other way would be lame… step people have alreadysigned up for tickets 2 times.

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  • Amanda says:

    If there are to be extra tickets floating around, I think they should be divided between low income and STEP applicants. The low income ticket program is wonderful.

    I was awarded a low income ticket this year, but since I’ve decided to postpone my art piece until next year, I gave the ticket back. I cried about it, though. ha. I hope whoever got my ticket has a fantastic time!

    Anyway, don’t forget about us poor people. We have a rough time getting out there. In 2010, I spent every last dollar I had to make sure my art made it there. My partner and I had to hit up the food bank to have enough food for the event. Preservative-laden canned spinach and breakfast cereal. Yech.

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  • Sheldon says:

    FRAUD!!!! This ad. is running all over in (different cities, even different states) Craigslist. Here’s the dudes e-mail address, “” .I have my tickets, but a friend who needs one, came across this. If you write him about the ticket,it starts with this “form message”, then start in with the Western Union cash sending… (2) Burning Man Tickets 2012 – $350 (each) From: Kevin Hudson Hello,

    The tickets are still for sale.
    My Name is Kevin Hudson and i am located in New York, NY.

    I got a promotion at my job and the post is here in New York, NY that is why I had to move here.
    I am selling all 2 tickets for $700. The seats If you are interested to buy these tickets i will do this deal only trough eBay.In order to start the transaction i will need your full name, address and your eBay id.They will send you an invoice how to purchase the tickets from me.(You will be sending the money to an eBay agent.After the payment is sent i will send the tickets to you.eBay will release the funds to me ONLY AFTER you will send them the confirmation that you received the tickets and they are real).

    I will ship them via UPS overnight. I will pay shipping.

    Thank You !

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  • Greg says:

    Please let me know if I can get press passes or any ticket available , Thank You Greg

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  • Greg says:

    How do I get in the STEP program? Greg

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  • I need one ticket for burning man, I’m hoping i will get one. There’s has to be a ticket out there that i can buy!!!!

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  • Pink says:

    Greg, you missed the bus for STEP by about 5 months. I suggest you start planning for 2013 around, oh, September 2012.

    And we really don’t need any more press or media attention. Burning Man sucks. Don’t go.

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  • DPTV says:

    Another vote for STEP

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  • Dr Phil says:

    For those of your clinging to hope in the STEP program, I just purchased my tickets through STEP and my email confirmation for STEP was date stamped 3/2 12:16…see you on the playa

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  • my blog says:

    Hi it’s me, I am also visiting this web page daily, this website is truly pleasant and the visitors are in fact sharing fastidious thoughts.

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  • joebob says:

    many of us still stepless – has the queue reopened – at least not the 100 times I’ve tried. I was offered 2 step tickets by friends – but wait these can’t be transferred – like so many others I’ve tried to follow the rules – push the buttons the right second – could of had tickets – almost – oh the cruel irony – so if anyone takes sympathy on a 2 time burner oldster leave a post – haven’t given up – i do have an atomic fire ball so I suspect things may still work out? everyone be loved and stay safe

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  • Nicole says:

    Oh please consider those of us in the STEP program! It’s like waiting for a Christmas morning that never comes!

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  • Burners.Me says:

    Any word yet on if there are going to be more tickets? It’s been 2 weeks already

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  • kensi says:

    Tickets?! You say they will be mailed in “mid-June”. It’s the end of June and still nothing! Isn’t this considered fraud x45,000??? Must be present to sign for my tickets; now coming up on 4th of July/vacation, etc… Do I have to wait at my door forever? BMORG, you keep on impressing me with the amount of times you mess up.

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  • rakshi says:

    Were people who did not receive tickets in the lottery automatically entered on the STEP list? If not, why not? I went online at noon on that day when we were supposed to sign up, I could not get in and got the message after 15 minutes or so that the list was closed. Why should the list close at all? How can I get on the STEP list?

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  • Crying Sun says:

    Burning Man has become what it is and what it will become for many reasons. A great factor in its development, the part of what has fostered the freedom for all of us who come home, is the great Black Rock Deseart. One would be hard pressed to find a better environment for practicing and fulfilling the priciples of the event. Individuality and a sense of community have long been a characteristic value of those who call Nortern Nevada their home. Even though many may not understand the rural lifestyle and often wrongly stereotype, you won’t find a group of people anywhere more likely to welcome you in and accept your differences. Just like any governmental entity, the BLM has a job to do; plane and simple. We as citizens of BRC need to make that as easy for them as possible. We also need to give input on how inportant the event is by giving public comment so the can help not hinder its growth. They can also help to make it better through the planning process. The event is a gift, it allows for the anonymity or lack of it to express ourselves in those ways we see best. Yes the Black Rock can be foreboding and is difficult to get to; but what things worth doing in life are easy. For me, I couldn’t imagine it anywhere else. See you on the playa and please be safe.

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  • David says:


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  • Thermal says:

    I miss the old days, around 10 years ago my ticket was $120 (no lottery, no STEP, no waiting anxiously for emails or distribution rules). this sentimentality aside, having attended multiple times and experienced the growing population and road limitations: the playa cannot hold endless individuals. There is a limit. I won’t be going this year, and can’t realistically imagine when that might happen again. But I really, really hope BMan doesn’t go above this new population figure.
    The reasons are ALOT, some of which have already been described here, so I’m not going to bore you with them. But yes, there is a limit, it has been reached.

    As someone mentioned in another “unrelated” blog post (the great blog about being miserable on the playa – great, great blog, that dept is a great idea btw): *Let go*

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