We’re postponing launch of the Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) for at least 24 hours until we resolve an issue relating to people who’ve used Gmail to register a Burner Profile in the past two weeks.
Gmail users have not been receiving confirmation emails that allow them to complete their Burner Profile account, or request a password reset. Because STEP — which is linked to Burner Profiles — is a first-come, first-served system, we want to ensure people using Gmail are fully registered before launching the program.
We expect to have this resolved quickly and will update this post to announce a new launch date and time for STEP.
UPDATE: Monday, April 21, at 12pm (noon) PDT, STEP will open to participants who want to submit their tickets for resale. The following day, Tuesday, April 22, at 12pm (noon) PDT, participants wishing to purchase tickets will be able to register for STEP. Full details on the ticket page.
What was the problem? Is Gmail not delivering some emails that have been sent?
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So launch on April 17 noon ?
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Better a delay than a large group not being able to sell/buy tickets!
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Good catch. Well done folks.
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They probly want to open it on 4/20 ;-P
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I use Gmail and I created a profile a while ago. I have yet to receive a confirmation email and every time I open my profile, it asks me to complete my profile, which I’ve done – oh, I dunno – a dozen times. Had no idea it was gmail. (Yes, I checked my spam folder repeatedly).
Can we please no open STEP until everyone gets their profile working?
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That means it will be Easter in Australia. We will all be away on holidays without our computers. Damn!
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Hi I registered with this email address in feb and was unlucky with tickets. I would like to try again but I have lost my email due to someone hacking into it. I would like to submit a new email address, is that possible? how do I communicate with someone who can help me as I have lost all my information due to my losing my email. Please help.
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type contacts into the search box at the top of the webpage
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Thanks for catching this and letting us know! <3
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@Rohan: Haywire’s estimate of 4/20 was a joke. April 20th is special for certain recreational herb users. The real startup will (hopefully) be before the end of the week.
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This okay for now. But my main concern is if the tickets will be fully transferrable. Last year my camp made enough money of resales to pay for most of our trip out. We were able to give out Monster Energy Drinks all week. Please don’t fuck this up.
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This is true! Gmail hid my low income acceptance email in my ‘promotions’ folder. I didn’t find it for three days because it didn’t notify me of an email like it does for the ‘normal inbox’.
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HAHAHA nice trolling clan destino ;-) wait till the uptights on eplaya see that…oh and yay for STEP!
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I am with Pascal…..April 17th Noon ?
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The anticipation is driving me C*R*A*Z*Y!
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SOOOOOO Any chance of letting us know when it will be up??!?!
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“Open, Open, Open”
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@ Maxene what do you mean it “hid” your email in the promotions folder? Promotions is just a label, it still shows up in the main messages list – the inbox – as well. At least it should?!
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What form of payment are accepted? Amex?
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Thank you for stopping the process. I have a gmail account and have not received any emails. Nice work on not allowing it to move forward.
Not sure if it is possible, but maybe if you captured everyone’s email address who may have attempted to sign up you could give us a 48 hours to re-register to the front of the line.
Many of us are eager to burn…. :) for the first time…. although we have been lurking for years…
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Maybe better to announce another date, not all of us can be glued to the computer, just in case you can do it in the 24 hours time frame in which you think the problem will be solved. Maybe think of Monday the 21st?
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Having to check on this situation at least once a day is not the best use of everyone’s time. I’d also prefer this was scheduled a week or so into the future so that we could plan to be by the computer.
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According to tickets.burningman.com the new dates are next Monday 4/21 (for sellers) and Tuesday 4/22 (for buyers). Noon PDT both days.
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Still broken. Password reset email to gmail goes into a black hole.
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4/22/14 Profile entry —FROZEN
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Anyone else unable to enter STEP QUEUE?
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So this is my story–I was in My Profile at BM website at 2:50 EST and refreshed at 3:01 EST–Because there was no new offering. I then got “Can’t display this page” until I was finally able to renter My Profile at 3:10 EST at that time I was shown the new box [lower right side of page] ENTER STEP Queue. Which I did -clicked on that entry—–Nothing happened–0- NADA– so one clicks again–and again — for the next hour. Why? Because I was terrified I would miss any new announcement of what to do next. After a hour I finally gave up and closed the page. Just to see what would happen I re entered the My Profile site and saw the message “You are signed up for STEP” So I can only assume I am on some mysterious list with some mysterious number assigned to my request for a ticket. Absolutely no mention of whether I will be able to purchase a “Vehicle Pass” or any other information.
So my summation is this: —-Sorry I can’t go on a rant now—Let’s just see if this organization can be sustainable for future participation.
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Any way to find out how far down in the STEP queue we are? Any way to measure progress toward the front of the line? Enquiring minds want to know…
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Hey there!I had exactly the same thing Jimie-bee! Did you get any news about where you are on the queue?
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Non, they keep the queue confidential… Although I can tell you that went out notification today. I was able to register at 12:05pm PDT… However, I didn’t get notified first rounds (There is a forum post on ePlaya saying Scream if you got a Step ticket, where a few people are they got one registered at 12:01). Anyways, hope that helps shed some light on the situation.
Also, I heard that it’s a slow rolling process that picks up speed later in June.
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I took the day off work to register for Step… only to findout that people with gmail addresses stopped the step program cold… then I take the next registration day off and my computer locks up on the site numerous times… error… bad gateway…etc for a solid 20 minutes on multiple attempts…
Finally in the queue…. but what does that mean after attempting with failures for 20 minutes? Am I even close to a ticket possibility? I hope so…..
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Has many tickets gone through the STEP yet? I have been signed up as I did not get tickets the first day of sale. I have Gmail. I am reading here that Gmail may not be working properly with the system. What are some other suggestions to get two tickets for my wife and I. Thanks
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Good post,I am glad to visit your website..
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FYI – i emailed to ask if tickets had started being sold through STEP this year. the answer was yes. i registered for STEP within 5 minutes of it starting and have not received an email saying tickets were available. my guess is that there hasnt been many “sellers” yet.
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