Burning Man Project At Earth Day SF

On April 19, 2014, the Burning Man Project and ArtIsMobilUs collaborated to create the first ever AnyKidCanPaint “Our Earth”, and first three sided ARTwall at Earth Day SF. In addition ArtIsMobilUs provided an Earth Wall for everyone to paint or write what they love about about the earth.

The first ever AnyKidCanPaint collaborative Artwall
The first ever AnyKidCanPaint collaborative Artwall

The process for this collaboration started a couple of weeks earlier at a Burning Man Project Volunteer Appreciation Party. During the party the scissors came out and along with celebratory toasts to the volunteers there was much clipping to be done to make animal prints for the kids.

volunteer cutting out
Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 5.00.43 PM

Alix, one of our volunteers was fortunate to have lived in India, deep in the jungles of Malaysia and Thailand, and has spent a lot of time under the sea with its colorful inhabitants, said:

I was constantly surprised how little interaction city kids have with the natural world! This interactive art space invited the kids and their parents to take part in observing our natural world! And it was just PERFECT for the Earth Day festivities in San Francisco!!!

Richard Felix from ArtIsMobilUs said:
Kids were asked to paint background if they wanted to (It was all sketched in) and more importantly pick some of the blank cutout animal s and color them in. The volunteers would ask them— Where does this animal live and help them paste in in the appropriate ecosystem. We had three sides : 1) Ocean/Island/ Coral Reef / Kelp bed 2) Jungle / marsh 3) mountain / Savannah (sp?) / desert…It was a beautiful collaboration between ArtIsMobilUs and Burning Man Project AND with all the people and kids who participated…. Honored by everyone’s creative and collaborative expressions.
ED Felixgroup
It was a beautiful day to share making art in our community.
I thought you might also might like to see how the ArtIsMobilUs Mural for adults turned out that day!
Celebrating Earthday
Celebrating Earthday
Orange, the Burning Man Project Volunteer Coordinator, left us with this thought:
How beautiful the painted mural backgrounds were–the kids who participated really all contributed to a lovely final product that they could be proud of.

About the author: Affinity


Affinity, a Burner since 2000, was legally married on the Playa in 2001, was wedding coordinator and then training coordinator at Burning Man, before becoming the Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) Social Media Coordinator and an Advisory Board Member. An attorney, she served on the Board of Directors of the Western Pension and Benefits Conference. She interned with the Human Awareness Institute for 10 years. She writes about how art is envisioned, produced, created, installed and its afterlife.

One comment on “Burning Man Project At Earth Day SF

  • jules says:

    It’s nice to see the BMorg targeting children. They are the future Burners who will provide free labor and resources in exchange for spirituality cool points. Kids are so cute.

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