That’s Cat, always bringing joy no matter what the job.
Why hello there, all you moop maniacs and line sweepers extraordinaire –
I’ve got a whole bunch of goodies for you today, so go ahead and get excited. It’s gonna be a good day.
The autumn days here in the Black Rock have been sunny and calm, a bit on the warm side maybe. The pre-season bugs have not returned, the dust storms haven’t been battering our skin, eyes and lungs … heck, it isn’t even too cold in the mornings.
With calm and clear conditions, the Playa Restoration line sweepers are making good progress. On Day 2, they marched through 54 city blocks, along the back ‘burbs of Black Rock City. What they found was a mixed bag, if we’re being honest here. Again, the vast majority of the territory was impressively vacant of moop. However, a couple of spots got a little out of control. Want to see? Of course you do!
Click to see it larger, but not full size, because we’re not finished with it yet!
We sure love all that green, folks. Thank you to everyone who really tried to Leave No Trace this year. And for those who really tried, but wound up in (or near) a yellow or red zone: you know what, it was a dusty year. When it’s mega dusty, the moop can be pretty hard to find. So we get it. There’s always room to improve, and there’s no such thing as perfection – right? Right.
And Now: Major Buzzkill
When I picture Major Buzzkill in my head, I see him like this.
This year, I want to introduce you to a few of the many fascinating, beautiful people of the DPW. And to kick it off, here’s one of my personal favorite humans: Major Buzzkill. I asked him to share some of his thoughts on Burning Man, DPW, and life, and here’s what he had to say.
I found out about Burning Man in 1998 when I got my first computer and there was this brand new thing called the Internet. That allowed me to, at least virtually, explore stuff that was outside of the small world I lived in.
I always had a strong desire to escape my hometown. With the Internet, I stumbled somehow onto this whole Burning Man thing, and it just sounded really cool! I’d never imagined having an adventure like that before in my life.
So I connected via the email lists with a bunch of total strangers. I drove here with a total stranger, and I drove another total stranger’s van full of a total stranger’s art. That was a harrowing adventure…
1999 was the year that I moved to Austin, Texas, so that I could get a PhD in molecular biology from UT Austin. One of the main things factoring into my decision was that, at that point, Austin had the most active regional Burning Man community of any of the college towns I was considering. Shortly after I moved there for college, I went to Burning Flipside, and I just spent all my free time with those wacky people in Austin, Texas.
2015. Photo by Summer Burkes.
The initial thing that brought me to DPW was because I felt that Burning Man – the event, the experience and the community – had enriched my life to a high degree. I felt a civic duty to give back, not just by doing a theme camp or creating art or any of that stuff, but by doing something that other people could benefit from without even knowing that I was part of it – which is infrastructure.
We’re surrounded by infrastructure every day in the real world, and there are people who work very hard to make that happen. We don’t even think about it. But they make our lives possible. That was the original impetus – because I loved the event and the community so much.
Now, however, I believe I do this because of the people that I have been building this event with for so many years. I love them, and I want to spend as much time as I can with them, for however much time we have left together.
DPW Ladies’ Night 2008. Photo by John Curley.
Buzzkill joined the Black Rock City Department of Public Works in 2002, and came back in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. Then he stopped, and went back to focusing on his career for six years. In 2015, he returned to the DPW with a new outlook.
I’ve been doing my best to put by career first and be a good normal person for six years now, and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere. The rewards that it offers are not worth what I’m giving up.
Last year, I had a job that was incredibly stressful and not rewarding.
Then, after I’d been dealing with that for a while, a friend of mine got into a place where he was definitely going to die from an untreatable medical condition. I had to watch him die over the course of two weeks.
Part of his condition was that the language portion of his brain was shut down, so he wasn’t able to communicate. While I was there for two weeks, at hospice, looking at him in his bed, I often wondered, ‘What is going through his head right now?’
I know one thing that he wasn’t thinking: ‘I wish I had invested more time in my career. I wish I made more money, I wish I had a better title.’
But I think one of the things that was going through his head, what certainly would be going through my head, was, ‘I wish I had spent more time with the people that I loved.’
Once it was all over, I just felt like I needed to change a lot of things in my life. I decided coming back to the DPW was really important to me at that point, because there were many friends who I loved very much and who I hadn’t seen in at least six years.
So this year, I got to spend some time with Spoono. We had some really good times together. When he died, that convinced me that I had definitely made the right decision.
If I’d just continued to try to enhance my career back home instead of coming out here to spend time with the people that I loved, then I wouldn’t have been able to see him one last time.
Family is where you find it, and our family is lucky to have a Major Buzzkill in it. Love you buddy.
That’s all for today, folks. Call a friend this weekend and tell ’em you love ’em.
Then come on back soon for more moop, more map, more people and more stories!
The Hun, also known as J.H. Fearless, has been blogging for Burning Man (and many other outlets) since 2005, which is also the year she joined the BRC DPW on a whim that turned out to be a ten-year commitment. Since then she's won some awards for blogging, built her own creative business, and produced some of the Burning Blog's most popular stories and series. She co-created a grant-funded art piece, "Refoliation," in 2007, and stood next to it watching the Man burn on Monday night during a full lunar eclipse. She considers that, in many ways, to have been the symbolic end of Burning Man that was. The Hun lives in Reno with DPW Shade King, Quiet Earp. You may address her as "The Hun" or "Hun". If you call her "Honey" she reserves the right to cut you.
19 Comments on “Moop Map 2015: Day Two, and a Buzzkill”
Thank you all for what you do. As someone who had only recently discovered this community I can’t possibly express my gratitude for you all as much as I would like. You are doing great work and providing a place for so many people to express themselves in a way I never thought possible. Snark aside, you all are true heroes and your work does not go unnoticed. Much love from the east coast. Thank you!
Your map is technically not accurate. Our camp was across the street from laughing sal along the walk in camping fence. There is not grid section for that side of the street. I used a push broom to search for moop so I am confident it would be green but something to add?? To the map next year?? See you in 356 days. Thanks for all you do DPW.
Hi Amazing, the map is indeed technically accurate. You were camped in the “walk in camping” section, which is not part of the city grid. We haven’t swept through that area yet, but it is usually green. Thanks!
Thanks for these write-ups and sharing DPW stories. Great stuff!
And thanks for all your hard work. My camp was at 4:51-ish (odd address for outer side of street) and Kook. Green all the way! Landscaping rake is definitely key.
What’s with the red spot at the Man base… are the Man crew major moopers? Or is that an expected clean-up situation for the restoration team?
I walked deep playa every day and found about ten screws from a previous burn not far from where the Temple was. Included in the debris was many small rocks from the dirt used to prevent playa burn scars. (Also found a crystal embedded in the playa among the same debris.) Wonder what archaeologists 1000 years from now will think?
Way to go and yes! Rakes make a huge difference. Well done.
The Man area is always moopy, something about a big fire. We don’t always mark it, but it’s pretty much always going to be a red zone. Takes several passes to restore that area.
There were mounds and mounds of playa dunes drifted along that stretch of L from around 6-8, nearly a foot deep in places. Would have slowed moopers down for sure.
Nice to see you’re out there burning again, Buzzkill! It’s been 8 years since my last burn, but I know I’ll get back there again sometime too. Enjoy the love and keep it going. XO, Fava Beanie (aka. your kinda crappy housemate)
Wow, I’m bummed that the corner at 3:15 and Jolly where we had our maze had a yellow section associated with it (along the 3:15 radial about 50 ft towards K) . I would certainly like to hear back from you to know what we missed. Our campsite area was spotless out on “L” and we like to leave things that way.
Thanks for the input.
It’s such hard work out there, thanks to you all!
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Major Buzzkill! I Love You Buddy! You are an awesome human being!
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Welcome back Major Buzzkill!
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Yay Major Buzzkill!
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Thank you all for what you do. As someone who had only recently discovered this community I can’t possibly express my gratitude for you all as much as I would like. You are doing great work and providing a place for so many people to express themselves in a way I never thought possible. Snark aside, you all are true heroes and your work does not go unnoticed. Much love from the east coast. Thank you!
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Love you guys!!
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Your map is technically not accurate. Our camp was across the street from laughing sal along the walk in camping fence. There is not grid section for that side of the street. I used a push broom to search for moop so I am confident it would be green but something to add?? To the map next year?? See you in 356 days. Thanks for all you do DPW.
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Hi Amazing, the map is indeed technically accurate. You were camped in the “walk in camping” section, which is not part of the city grid. We haven’t swept through that area yet, but it is usually green. Thanks!
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Thanks for these write-ups and sharing DPW stories. Great stuff!
And thanks for all your hard work. My camp was at 4:51-ish (odd address for outer side of street) and Kook. Green all the way! Landscaping rake is definitely key.
What’s with the red spot at the Man base… are the Man crew major moopers? Or is that an expected clean-up situation for the restoration team?
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I walked deep playa every day and found about ten screws from a previous burn not far from where the Temple was. Included in the debris was many small rocks from the dirt used to prevent playa burn scars. (Also found a crystal embedded in the playa among the same debris.) Wonder what archaeologists 1000 years from now will think?
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Way to go and yes! Rakes make a huge difference. Well done.
The Man area is always moopy, something about a big fire. We don’t always mark it, but it’s pretty much always going to be a red zone. Takes several passes to restore that area.
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Do you find much of the papery-card boardy leftovers from the fireworks? I would imagine lots of that just blows away towards the trash fence.
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wow, what was at 7-7:15 & L?
is that near where a vendor had portable offices (etc) parked?
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Katy Perry’s camp was there. Seriously.
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There were mounds and mounds of playa dunes drifted along that stretch of L from around 6-8, nearly a foot deep in places. Would have slowed moopers down for sure.
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If i ever get to go. DPW is who i want to work and play with.Thank you
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Nice to see you’re out there burning again, Buzzkill! It’s been 8 years since my last burn, but I know I’ll get back there again sometime too. Enjoy the love and keep it going. XO, Fava Beanie (aka. your kinda crappy housemate)
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Wow, I’m bummed that the corner at 3:15 and Jolly where we had our maze had a yellow section associated with it (along the 3:15 radial about 50 ft towards K) . I would certainly like to hear back from you to know what we missed. Our campsite area was spotless out on “L” and we like to leave things that way.
Thanks for the input.
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Welcome Back Buzzkill !
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