Yesterday’s intense winds gave way to near-perfect Resto weather today: sunny, but with enough cloud cover to keep temperatures comfortable enough for work, and calm, but with enough of a breeze that morale remained high all day long.
Monday also served to help newcomers grow accustomed the rhythm of Restoration, as well as giving veterans a useful refresher. Most of us only do this once a year after all, and it can take a minute to get back in the groove.
With favorable weather—plus a full day of experience under their belts—the 2017 All-Star Playa Restoration team was primed for success. We lined up in some of our largest formations ever, quickly and at times seemingly effortlessly. Even the often-critical line bosses were impressed.
“This is a perfect line,” Barack Obama bragged. “See how they’re staying so evenly spaced out without me having to say anything? They’ve got it going on!”
Perhaps this newfound spatial awareness can be partially attributed to another Playa Restoration first: beginning the day with a short yoga class, led by DPW Bike Shop Manager Ballyhoo Betty and set to a relaxing soundtrack of… doom metal?
Betty explains: “I study a form of yoga that involves a lot of chanting, mostly in Sanskrit. But when I became a teacher I knew that would be too weird for most of my friends. So I had to find something else that could serve a similar function as the chants—mainly providing a rhythm for everyone to coordinate their pace and their breathing. Doom metal was perfect!”
“Back home in Austin I teach a class called Doom Metal Yoga every week now. It’s free, because I want it to be accessible. As a result it’s attended by everyone from total beginners to experienced yoga instructors, which is a fun challenge for me as a teacher.”
When several DPW friends complained of soreness after the first day of line sweeps, Betty decided to offer a shortened version of her weekly class to the Playa Restoration crew.
Taking advantage of the brief gap between the crew’s arrival on the shoreline and roll call, Betty threw a boombox down on the playa and let people know she was about to lead a short yoga class. Then she cranked up the metal and got started.
“Resto is more physically demanding than people realize. Not only are you walking all day, but you’re continually bending over, reaching, and kneeling. Yoga is a perfect way to check in with your body, get centered, and stretch everything out before starting work.”
The crew seems to agree.
“This is awesome!” enthused Bullwinkle. “I may have had a little too much to drink at the saloon last night, and now I feel right as rain. We should do this every morning!”
I concur, and look forward to Doom Metal Yoga becoming a new Playa Restoration tradition.
Energized by this workout and facing ideal playa conditions, the Resto crew had a powerhouse day, sweeping the remaining back blocks between 6:30 and 10:00. We then continued on to the front of the city (Esplanade through C) starting at 10:00 and reaching as far as 8:00 before wrapping up for the day. Though not shown on this map, we were also able to sweep Gate Road and Greeters.
Here’s a look at the Day 2 MOOP Map. Overall, it was another predominantly green day, with only a few notable interruptions.
>> Remember, this map is only a rough draft. For the final MOOP Map, wait until the new year and contact the Placement department. <<
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Again, and as always, thank you all so much for all of your cleanup! Mad props to all of you still out there in the dust. The permits we get for next year will be because of you.
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Wanna know who camped where? Burner Map.
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Burning Man Virgin at 70. As I left Black Rock City, I said “Never Again.” That was 3-weeks ago and I am planning for 2018 as a “must do.” Scratched the surface of my realization that Burning Man is more than naked revelers, booze, drugs, survival, and expression. For me it is the beginning of peeling back the layers of ego based thinking accumulated over 70-years to reveal my inner self that seeks to help others. Bop Bop
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That’s awesome!
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Thanks resto, as always!!
website crew: why no detailed map?
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you are the heart and soul of this city. Without you there would be no us. Gratitude to the moon and back for always having our backs.
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the maps never get big enough!!! ..but thanks for you hard work
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You guy are awesome!!!
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23 Burns! Mad props!!!
Working at Greeters, I met a number of two decade plus Burners. It’s to you that I wish to celebrate. You created this amazing stage we get to play on every year. Without Burners like you, this would not be the Burning Man we love.
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Oh and as always, the 3 o’clock is better…
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Appreciate all the hard work you folks are putting in to get things back to nature on the playa. Keep up the good work.
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Hey, was reading this, then set it down. Next time I looked there was a message on my screen saying that this comment had been reported. So sorry, I certainly wasn’t doing that!!!
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Moop maniac here, delighted to see his camp — Múcaro art support — made the grade with an all-green zone, yay!
Also, moop maniacs everywhere are hoping for a higher-rez map that we can zoom in on and pore over. :-)
You rule, resto. Stay ‘drated and keep moopin’ your buns off!!!!!!!! Thank you!
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Hmmm, those two massive red zones at 8:30 to 9 on the outer ring, wow.
What camps were there? I hope they don’t get invited back next year.
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Burnermap seems to show a PnP advertising itself as being fully Leave No Trace. Nice.
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That’s not possible, as BMORG does not tolerate PnPs, let alone grant them, year after year, placement and Early Access Tickets. Your assertion suggests that BMORG and Placement coddle these types of Commodification Camps in an ever-expanding cycle of vendors who pay fees to the BMORG, expanded airport service and unlimited $1,200 tickets for these camps’ paying Customers, and BMORG access to wealth and celebrity to fund the purchase of Fly Ranch. That assertion would be offensive and ridiculous!
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I camped in one of those all red areas and stayed until Wednesday after exodus and raked our entire camp clean like it was the beach at Ritz Carlton, was clear as can be. Completely confounded as to how we got red, it was completely clear 48 hours after the event was over. Had picked up every sequin, cigarette butt, cut zip tie, you name it. I bought my own ticket and paid no camp dues and was not paid by anyone to go, all under my own power, all volunteer.
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I hope you took photos of the site after you had finished. Were you the only one?
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Resto rocks! Without you, we couldn’t be us. Thank you so much for your hard work out there. Much love!
Spurz-DPW Petro
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Nice work Slim. I think you captured the moment perfectly with this one.
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