The 2018 Playa Events Calendar opens Wednesday, June 27 at 12 pm (noon) Pacific. There are some significant changes to this year’s version, so pay attention below!
You must log in to Playa Events with your Burner Profile. Read that again slowly… you must log in to Playa Events with your Burner Profile. Gone are the days when you would need to manage separate login details just for your events.
Also, two hot new features for 2018:
- Save your favorite events to your own personal Playa Events calendar.
- Download and print your shiny new personalized calendar!
That’s right! Personalized Playa Events calendar! Just promise us you’ll still spend some time getting lost in uncharted, unscheduled territory, deal? Deal.
Does that mean we’ll be doing away with the hardcopy WhatWhereWhen? Heck no! For those of you submitting events to be published in the print guide handed out on playa, the same submission and moderation guidelines apply as in past years:
- Only the first 1,500 events submitted to be published will make it into the print guide. Fear not! All events will be available in the online guide, and people will be able to add them to their personalized, self-printed guides.
- Groups who submit more than a dozen events may have their total number of listings limited, so submit your events in order of priority.
- Repeating events should utilize the ‘repeating event’ button, instead of creating duplicate entries.
- Event descriptions for the print version are limited to 150 characters. Do not repeat your camp name, location or event time in your description, that will already be included.
Did we mention you must log in to Playa Events with your Burner Profile?
Top photo by Scott London
WHERE the event takes place is great to know! but placement tells us where we are placed … usually a week AFTER we send you our workshops. ….
so “location” entry is often … unclear!
and it often means people read the Playa Events book flipping constantly to the camp directory to find the event! that is pretty tricky, btw
and thanks!
coordinate with placement some year! maybe. kiss.
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Actually, placement has always provided camp addresses to the What? ,Where?, When? behind the scenes and they have communicated this to Theme Camps.
Coordination achieved!
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So we should submit our events with no location, just our camp name, and assume that the playa events team will fill in the location for us once placement is announced?
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When will the two be unified? At present, Playa Events still says that it is separate from our Burner profiles, and my Burner profile login does not work.
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Yes! We will be pushing a large update that includes the Burner Profile sign in the next few days.
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Can we double the book to 3000 entries?
It seems that having a larger book is fitting…bigger cities had bigger phone books. 1500 theme camps and such a tiny book. Not even Cheesecake Factory skimps on the menu print…to share their extensive serving selections.
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WWW from 2003 was about 23 pages. We are now over 200. From one doug to another, i think 1500 events is enough.
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If placement is going to place nearly 2000 camps and a key requirement is interactivity, the book needs more than 1500 entries.
It’s time for a larger book.
4500-6000 entries seems right, that’s 2-3 entries/camp.
Love the customizable guide for print and phone.
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I noticed int he prior years that the descriptions exceeded 150 characters (With spaces or without?) Many were 260-280 characters with spaces. Could you please clarify the character constraints?
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Event descriptions in the published WhatWhereWhen are limited to 150 characters. Events that only live online are welcome to use more characters.
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Should we submit our events with no location, just our camp name, and assume that the playa events team will fill in the location for us once placement is announced?
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Camp Lead, as the article to which you responded says clearly, “do not repeat your camp name, location or event time in your description, that will already be included”.
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I’d like to reiterate what was mentioned earlier. Listing events without the lister knowing their address has made the guide a little less fun (and functional.) I know everyone tries to work it out, but I’ve given up on attending many an event, particularly those of smaller theme camps, simply because I couldn’t find them. I hope it’s a future goal to get the placement addresses out before the guide’s submittal date.
Will we be able to update the online placement guide later on once the placement address is known?
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Ya think folks with fast input get a leg up in the first few seconds/minutes? Zat fair? Kinda primitive, if U ask me.
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Last year (2017) the event location for my event was different from the camp location, but the What Where When listed the event location as the same for the camp location. I think this was the mistake of someone on the Burning Man side of things because the online calendar for French Maid Brigade Parade still says “Location: 3 O’Clock & Esplanade”, but the What Where When listed it at the French Maid Brigade Camp, Fire & 2:45. I’m not sure how to remedy this for 2018 to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. The location for the starting point of the French Maid Brigade Parade has been the same every year since its inception in 2002. If anyone has any ideas for me, please reply. Thanks!
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If you select a camp name in the drop-down menu when submitting your event, it will autopopulate with that camp’s address in the printed version. To avoid this, don’t select your camp in the drop-down menu and only manually enter the location.
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The “Check the Directory at Playa Info for camp location” is confusing… since we don’t know our location, how can we assume it’ll end up in the WWW?
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I just have a question: Do we need to log in with our burner profile?
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Quick question about 150 character limit. Does this include the event title? If not, what is the character limit on the title? Can we submit 2 descriptions? One for WWW and another longer one for online?
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Is there a deadline for submissions? I’m assuming because of the online guide, events can continue being submitted right up until the gate opens – am I correct?
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Also interested in seeing a confirmation of Rhonda’s assumption.
… although, in the absence of any hard deadline, it seems it would make sense to submit your events at least several days before the gates open in order to be in the database by the time some burners create their personalized calendars.
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Where is the link/page to submit events?
I don’t see anything where I’d expect it, i.e:
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OMG this is killing me, I’m getting a “•Missing value ‘end_time” error. I submitted another event successfully, I can’t seem to shake this! Even tried switching browsers. Rebooting now, fingers crossed
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Me too… :-/
Have tried Chrome Firefox and Internet Explorer.
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Me three. I keep clearing cache and trying to reenter. Also emailed the help desk. They say they’re working on it……:\ If anyone gets this fixed or figures out how to work around, please let me know.
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Is it order of submission or order of moderation that determines what gets into the WWW book? Let’s say I submitted events #1, #2, and #3 in order. #2 and #3 are moderated. #1 is still awaiting moderation. Is #1 still ahead in the queue for the WWW? That’s what I’ve been assuming.
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For one of my events, which was a repeating event, I tried to enter it as a repeating event, but a glitch prevented me from listing the time properly. So, I had to list each one separately. If there is any way to fix this situation (such as by editing one of the events to be repeating and deleting the others) and not lose my spot in the What Where When, please let me know.
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1) If we got ours in at the beginning to make the limit, and we edit them, will the timestamp show them as later? Such that we could have been entry #300 and in the book, but after editing become #3000 and miss the book?
2) We entered the camp name *and* the camp location. Pending the answer of 1 above, and reading the comments above, it seems that it would be printed twice? It doesn’t make sense because two locations (the camp and the other say they were different) would be confusing.
To me it seems that we’re set, that the other location would over-write the camp location, and that we’re fine because they are the same.
Thank you for all your help coordinating this massive plan. We appreciate you, your patience and clarifications.
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