Burning Man 2025 is ready for launch! Galvanized by the theme Tomorrow Today, Black Rock City 2025 is awakening in thousands of hearts, minds and imaginations. With great anticipation, here is everything you need to know about tickets to Black Rock City 2025.
What’s new? With Radical Inclusion and Gifting guiding this year’s ticket offerings, momentum is building for the best Burning Man ever. Tickets to Black Rock City 2025 start at $550 and range up to $3,000 on a tiered and flexible model. With ticket prices lowered to $550 this year, we’re keeping Burning Man financially accessible and culturally diverse — welcoming all to build, explore, dance and connect. This lower price is supported by several tiers of higher-priced tickets. When you buy a ticket priced $750 or higher, you cover the full cost per participant to produce Black Rock City, which was an estimated $749 in 2023. This means YOU are helping to bring more dusty humans, and sponsoring more participatory art, Radical Self-expression, joy and awe in the wondrous city we all build together.
This is part of a larger shift to make it easier for more amazing and creative beings to participate in Black Rock City 2025. The barriers are coming down. The gates are opening wider. YOU and your friends are cordially invited to participate in co-creating one of the planet’s most phantasmagorical experiences.
The best opportunity to secure lower price tickets to Black Rock City is the ‘Today Sale’.
Register for the ‘Today Sale’ Monday, February 3rd at 12pm PST for 8 days through Tuesday, February 11, at 12pm PST. The ‘Today Sale’ starts on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 12pm PST.
Why put off until Tomorrow what you can do Today? Secure your ticket early and jumpstart Black Rock City’s powerful engine.
Important Dates for the ‘Today’ Black Rock City 2025 Ticket Sale
- Registration opens: Monday, February 3 @ 12pm (noon) PST
- Registration closes: Tuesday, February 11 @ 12pm (noon) PST
- Sale opens: Wednesday, February 12 @ 12pm (noon) PST
Register, access ticket sales, and find all information at tickets.burningman.org.
- Tiered ticket prices make Black Rock City accessible to all who wish to participate (details below). Be a part of the community ecosystem and pay at the best level you can.
- There will be three open public ticket sales for Black Rock City 2025: in February, April and July. Sales subsequent to February’s ‘Today Sale’ and included ticket tiers will be based on ticketing availability. Fewer tickets at lower levels will be available later. Lock into your best price tier early.
- As usual the Stewards sale has its own ticket allotments reserved and unrelated to the ‘Today Sale’.
- Each sale will have a registration period; register with our ticketing partner (link will be added here on February 3 and announced on our channels).
- Find all information, access to ticket sales, and registration links at tickets.burningman.org.
- You DO NOT need to create a Burner profile for public ticket sales.
The cost to produce Black Rock City in 2023 was an estimated $749 per participant. This means that when you purchase a ticket to Black Rock City 2025 for $750 or more, YOUR generosity helps more people experience the magic of Burning Man, funds Honoraria art grants, and underwrites Black Rock City operational costs.
YOU decide how much you want to pay. Subject to availability, ticket prices begin at $550. Prices scale up from here — $650, $750 and $950. There are also $1,500 and $3,000 tickets, which support more Burning Man for more people by subsidizing reduced-price tickets through programs such as Ticket Aid and Resilience.
Learn all about 2025 ticket pricing on the ticketing page.
The Ticket Aid program will once again make reduced-price tickets available to people with limited financial means. The application opens on February 19.
As mentioned above, You will not need to create a Burner Profile for public ticket sales. But you will need to register for each sale individually; the link to register can be found on the ticket page during registration periods.
Stewards Sale Tickets for Camp, Art and Mutant Vehicle Crews
As usual the Stewards sale has its own ticket allotments reserved and unrelated to the ‘Today Sale’. New for 2025: Camp and crew leads can opt to allocate tickets as they always have, OR they can opt to make one purchase to buy the group of tickets for their crew. This option must be arranged in advance of the start of the Stewards Sale. Allocating tickets for the Stewards Sale will still require a Burner Profile. Stewards Sale allocations will be open February 21-28; the sale will happen in early March 2025.
Introducing the Renaissance Champions and Resilience Ticket Programs
Two new programs are opening their doors to support community members and invite participation in Black Rock City. More information about both of these programs will be announced by February 19.
- The Renaissance Champions program taps connectors to invite networks, inspired groups and collectives to bring their magic to Black Rock City.
- The Resilience program makes tickets available to participants who have recently been impacted by natural disaster or geopolitical conflict.
There will be NO FOMO sale for 2025, and maybe never again. If you’d like to create more Radical Inclusion by making a gift of $2,500 (the former FOMO price) that supports participant access and art Honoraria grants, read about a limited time opportunity to do so through the Patron of Black Rock City Program.
As the Burning Man joke goes: It was better next year. After a phantasmagorical 2024 event, with stellar weather, an amazing vibe playa-wide, and so much mind-bending art and music… How can YOU, and collectively WE, make Burning Man even BETTER this year? As we roll into “Tomorrow Today” together, we are all being called to reimagine what Burning Man can become, how it can catalyze the most playful, innovative, creative aspects of humanity.
What are you imagining? Now’s the time to commit. Get your ticket and start planning, organizing, building and bringing it into the world. Get started here.
#bestburningmanever #thankslarry #tomorrowtoday #BurningMan2025
Cover image of 2024 Man Burn night in BRC (Photo by Rand Larson)
How many of each price tiers will be available on the today and tomorrow sales?
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“Everything You Need to Know About Burning Man 2025 Tickets” lol that’s not really true, is it. Like.. numbers at each tier, that’s a popular question.
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How much and when do vehicle passes go on sale?
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I’m glad for the tiered system, but really wish they’d get rid of all the marketing spiel and be clearer about how this works.
What does this even mean? “Sales subsequent to February’s ‘Today Sale’ and included ticket tiers will be based on ticketing availability.” Huh?
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The lack of transparency is ridiculous. Exactly how many tickets at each price will be sold at each sale? Don’t you think participants have a right to know?
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I have introduced sliding scale pricing at my work and it has been successful. However, there’s critical info missing on the actual ticketing page: I don’t see on the main page nor in any of the specific sales descriptions that $750 is the base price. This will only work if that detail is conveyed. Otherwise, it sounds like $550 is tte base price and everything else is gravy. The majority of burners will not have read this article. Consider adding this to every sale description: Tickets to Black Rock City 2025 start at $550 and range up to $3,000 on a tiered and flexible model. When you buy a ticket priced $750 or higher, you cover the full cost per participant to produce Black Rock City, which was an estimated $749 in 2023. This means YOU are helping to bring more dusty humans, and sponsoring more participatory art, Radical Self-expression, joy and awe in the wondrous city we all build together.
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Question – what will be the price of Stewards Sale tickets? Also how much are vehicle passes for 2025?
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I’m also curious about the price of the stewards sale?
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I’m really happy this new process and pricing has been simplified and made more sustainable. Holding sales earlier also allows everyone to better plan their year and their camps.
Now I just have to find the right camp to pitch in with this year! (Any camps out there, especially in TX or LA, looking for a 5-year, mostly-sober, progressive, reliable burner who enjoys art photography, chocolate, solar power, PVC, leaving no trace, consent culture, exploring art on the playa?)
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This is all amazing and fantastic! Is there some way I can just send my extra money to the Burning Man Organization for being so awesome?
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This feels good
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Really disappointing that you’re censoring all comments, which goes against your comment policy (to which you actually link to here).
That’s not the Burning Man we are used to. People can understand the challenges, please stop trying to censor everything and pretend it’s all glitz and glamour! Be real!
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How many tickets are available for the 550 tier?
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OK cook, but I have some questions:
1) I’ve been offered DGS tickets every year, but have not received notice about it this year yet. Does that mean I’m not going to be offered any? If the DGS offers are coming later, it seems odd to have the regular ticket sale registration be before that. How are DGS people to know how many regular-sale tickets they need?
2) There’s lots of talk about ticket prices for the general sale, but how much will they cost for DGS/Stewards sale?
3) It’s stated many times that tickets at lower tiers are “subject to availability”. What IS their total availability? How many tickets will be sold at each tier? If there are only 1000 $550 tickets, for example, that’s going to cause most everyone to pay much more for their ticket.
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1) Camps that completed their Statement of Intent and were in good standing were given their Steward’s Sale allotment about two weeks ago. If you met that criteria and didn’t hear you should contact Placement. Steward’s Sale registration starts soon and the sale is March 5th.
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How many tickets will be offered at the $550 tier during the Today sale?
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It’s 2/3/25 at 12:05 pm PST and still saying too early to register…
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I have every intention to buy a 750 or 950$ ticket in the “today” sale. I assume they are available in large number that day…..do we select the amount we want to spend at the “get go” or watch the thing twirl and then get knocked out after an hour?
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There are some important questions left un-answered:
1) How many tickets will be available in each tier for the “today” sale?
2) What tiers will be available for DGS/Stewards tickets?
3) How much will vehicle passes cost?
4) Will the fees be roughly the same as in 2024?
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days with extraordinary souls open new doors to amazing life. This will be my first Bern.. I am so excited
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It is good to see continuous evolution of the ticketing system. We will measure the improvement in the ticket purchase process and, as a community, balancing the budget months from now.
A ticket-participating buyer needs to know how to register to buy, and their personal BRC budget including the ticket. Then they simply act and buy the highest price ticket they can afford.
The number of tickets at a specific price is not needed to participate. In fact, knowing the number of tickets in each price range is destructive of the individual ticket purchaser decision making. It creates an impression of artificial scarcity. And, as the organizers have stated, the quantities and prices are fluid, so there is no answer to the question of quantities at specific prices!
Buying a Burning Man BRC ticket is not a bargain hunt like many treat their personal consumer blood sport.
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Wow, disagree – it’s about being transparent. The way the ticketing process is this year,is reflective of what you are saying- it causes- creates a false sense of tickets – and there is nothing folks wanting – hoping to get a lower priced ticket. Burning man said they were not going to raise prices but let people choose ??? How is having an undisclosed amount of ghost tickets ” no total tier amounts” shared right. It’s should be obvious to folks what the shell game is here- especially with have the early sale before the Steward sale … it appears that there is already signs of a lack of interest for tickets???
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FOLLOW UP QUESTION: Is the $749 cost per person strictly calculated on the EVENT or does it include the YEAR-ROUND mission and programs?
(I think the audience has spoken – we want our ticket sales to fund the EVENT only. Philanthropists can fund the year-round mission if they want.)
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OK, so I have a lot of campmates and other burns who are asking about the elephant in the room … No matter what you call it or try to justify it, ticket prices were raised up and significantly- there will only be a very limited amount of $550 tickets sold for each sale. All the other tickets will be $650+ so that is rising prices. The reason does not mitigate or substitute the fact that $650+ and higher is higher price tickets. Burning man is also not telling us how many tickets will be sold in each price range ? Why is that? Please do not use the lame excuse ” in case things change ” ? Is that in case tickets do not sell out again this year ? Unfortunately, I am already hearing folks starting to back out from going in 2025. I just wish burning would just price tickets accordingly ( and if people have extra cash they want to give to burning let them do it during the ticket purchasing process) and make buying tickets clean,easy and transparent. And,please remember not everything you/we hear or see, in life will you/we agree with – just saying it now
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I will have an RV. How do I join a group or if I go in the are, am I on my own to park wherever?
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If you buy during the Stewards sale, are you still only allowed to buy those tickets or can I buy in the Today sale and the Steward’s sale? I have a friend who wants to come back this year and the $550 would make that happen for her, but she’s caught off guard that she’d need to pay that this early. We thought she had more time.
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Why is this a Public sale rather than first be for burners through their Profiles? Burners honor the principles of Burning Man. I’m afraid the general public will disregard them and we would be responsible for their MOOP. I wanted to purchase, but I’m leery to because of this change.
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