Follow the stories of building an annual desert metropolis.
Coyote said the other day that Black Rock City is the biggest art project on the playa, and we totally
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There was a clash of cultures out at the Temple the other day, as the old and new ways of
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We're playing a little catch-up here, but we wanted you to know about the third step in the big three-step
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We thought you might like to get a look at some of the people working in the desert to get
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The day after the night before the rains came, things got pretty much back to normal. With maybe some exceptions:
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So your Johnny-on-the-spot correspondent is feeling decidedly not on the spot. Because it happened again – another downpour has shut
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Well that was a kick in the teeth. A hot but otherwise benign Thursday afternoon turned into a vicious reminder
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At the end of day frikken two, there's a giant obelisk at the Man base, there's a wifi cloud
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On the very first day in Black Rock City, the playa became a work site. It was not unexpected, but
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