Wherever we go, we seek to leave the places we visit in better shape than we found them.
just say ixnay on the evcpay Probably the single largest investment you'll make, in terms of mass if not dollars
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...and Jill, and Bob, and everyone else in your camp. After posting about how many people reduce their solid waste
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This is what happens when you spend too much time on the interwebs--you find sites like this one. Ever wondered
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Andrew Johnstone, some of the hard working brains behind the Burning Man Earth project, made this very beautiful, evocative fly
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This email just in from a reader getting in touch via environment(at) burningman.com: Hola! Somebody at [name of very cool
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See how this works? You email environment ( at ) burningman.com with your ideas, they get posted, happiness and clean
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While you're digging in your closet to pull out your dusty packing crates, why not tune in to hear Jolly
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Another shameless idea snag from the Burn Clean Project. Want to go biodiesel this year? Get with Kohler Rental: Don
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OK, sometime while I was sleeping the kids over at the Burn Clean Project sneaked into the workshop and cranked
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