Wherever we go, we seek to leave the places we visit in better shape than we found them.
OK, sometime while I was sleeping the kids over at the Burn Clean Project sneaked into the workshop and cranked
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So you know that really smart, clever thing that you do in your camp, you know, the one your neighbors
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Beware of the Hungry Wind : Bring tethers, anchors, containers, and covers, to keep light stuff from blowing away. Tiny
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Clean As You Go and Grid Your Camp at the End! Don’t wait until the end of the week to
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Place kitchen scraps in an old onion bag, one that lets air flow through, and hang it in the sun.
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Carpooling. It seems just yesterday ( really? was it really 1973? wow.) when carpooling was the new, new thing. And
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It's projects like this that make me proud to be part of the Burning Man community in San Francisco. Last
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Try durable re-usable "Light-Toys" and re-chargeable batteries Instead of cheap disposable blinky lights and glow sticks. Check out cool blinky
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Announcing the 2nd Annual Playa Lumber Recycling Project: Help Harvest The Urban Forest of Black Rock City, and Help Habitat
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