Building BRC BUILT TO BURN – Chapter 1: In Through the Out Door August 14, 2020 By Andie Grace Excerpted from Chapter 1 of BUILT TO BURN: Tales of the Desert Carnies of Burning Man by Tony “Coyote” Perez, ...Read More
Leaving No Trace Coyote Nose: Astro-not! September 24, 2014 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet Was reading an article about Burning Man the other day where the writer remarks on how serious the participants can ...Read More
The Ten Principles Coyote Nose the 10 Principles – Red Wagon January 29, 2014 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet Why were our events growing so rapidly? Watching the vitality of spirit burning in people’s camps was like peering into ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1; Issue #09 July 20, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet 120 degrees in the shade. Hell of a way to run a Christmas season! Hey. all - Coyote here, and ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1; Issue #08 April 5, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet Spic and Spam Shoulder of pork and ham. Yupper, them's the primary ingredients of a can of Spam, and also ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1; Issue #07 March 25, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet KABLOOIE! "Captain! We've just been fired on! I think we're under attack!" "Damage report!" "We're listing about three degrees to ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1; Issue #06 March 23, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet bu·reau·cra·cy (byoo·rok·rå·sé) n 1. An administrative government divided by departments; also the non-elected government officials. 2. The undue extension of government ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1, Issue #05 March 10, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet Last week on this channel left me and fellow DPWer, Will Roger, down somewhere in Sunnyvale giving a lecture to ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1, Issue #04 February 28, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet And it's only February - During last year’s clean-up, we were all sitting at a mechanically separated work ranch breakfast, ...Read More
Building BRC Coyote Nose Volume #1, Issue #03 February 18, 2003 By Tony “Coyote” Perez-Banuet Then Spanky said, "Fellas! What we need is our very own clubhouse!" To which Alfalfa replied, "Aaaaand howwwwww!" Then, in ...Read More