The Bacontinuum

Time Since Bacon (Photograph by Ben Stoelting)
Photo: Ben Stoelting. Baconeer: Meredith Scheff

All of the Man Krew’s work is based on a complicated algorithm.

[Note: My apologies for the lack of posts. A dodgy Internet connection has made updating impossible for the past few days. It’s sorted now, and the story of the Man build will resume forthwith.]

About the author: Aaron Muszalski

Aaron Muszalski

Aaron “Slim” Muszalski has been burning since 1995. As an artist he’s created such notable honoraria projects as Rubber Ducky (2002) and SYZYGRYD (2010). Since 2007 he’s been a member of the Man Crew, the DPW team responsible for creating each year’s Man effigy. After surviving stage IV cancer in 2016 Aaron founded Burning Wish, a community of survivors, caregivers and volunteers dedicated to making Burning Man more accessible to cancer patients and their loved ones. Learn more and help support Burning Wish at

5 Comments on “The Bacontinuum

  • Sachman Bhatti says:

    That should be a straight line. Can’t wait for the burn!

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  • Aaron Muszalski says:

    The non-linearity in the graph can be accounted for by the arrival of beer o’clock, followed closely by single-malt thirty. QED.

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  • Jrod says:

    Homer: Wait, wait, wait Lisa honey, are you saying you’re never going to eat any animal again?
    What about bacon?
    Lisa: No!
    Homer: Ham?
    Lisa: No!
    Homer: Pork chops ?!?
    Lisa: Dad! Those all come from the same animal.
    Homer:Yeah right Lisa, a wonderful “magical” animal, hehehe!

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  • Turkey bacon is a travesty, yet all around me try to foist it upon me! From where does turkey bacon derive its flavor? Perhaps from… BACON ITSELF?!!!

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  • Bozo says:

    Let us also remember Veggie Bacon! Lots of us eat it and its primary taste comes from the same stuff as that of the partially cremated animal corpses – smoke flavor.

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