If only I could have made it to AfrikaBurn 2008.
It looks like an amazing event, check out this short slide show and interview with Monique Schiess, one of our Regional Contacts.
If only I could have made it to AfrikaBurn 2008.
It looks like an amazing event, check out this short slide show and interview with Monique Schiess, one of our Regional Contacts.
AfrikaBurn 2008 Rawked!
It’s an amazing event with wonderful, creative, caring people who will be friends for life! South Africa Regional Contacts and organizers Monique, Paul, Mike, Robert, and so many others have created a festival worthy of the great continent of Africa! The enormous, wild Tankwa Karoo is a beautiful venue to exhibit the unique art and radical self expression that changes lives. The participants “get it” in so many ways. I was lucky enough to share in it’s 2nd Coming. He he! Be part of AfrikaBurn, if you can!
~Painless – Lake Tahoe Regional Contact~
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Yeah, sorry you didn’t make it, as it blew me away…
The Tankwa Karoo is truly one of the world’s most awesomely beautiful places and AB08 was an adventure of note.
BTW, we went via the famous Verneukpan, where a world speed record was set in the 1920s by Donal Campbell…some of the best kiting in the southern hemisphere…
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